Buy Now and Pay Later With Affirm

You’ve asked for it, and we listened!

Introducing a Buy Now Pay Later option for the COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. 🎉

Now offering 3, 6, or 12-month payment plans through Affirm. Pay monthly with debit or your bank account. As low as $45/monthExample payments:

-$165/month for 3 months
-$86.15/month for 6 months
-$44.68/month for 12 months

Available in the United States & Canada. Rates are between 0-36% APR. 

Payment options through Affirm are subject to an eligibility check and may not be available everywhere. For more information, buy the guide ( and select Affirm as your payment method.


If you want to take advantage of the payment plan options, simply go to

Fill out your information, and when you get to the payment section, select “Affirm”
See image below
Affirm will ask you for some personal details to determine if you qualify. And don’t worry, the eligibility checker doesn’t affect your credit score. 
Only if you decide to pay with Affirm will this reflect on your credit score.
Once you have selected your payment plan option, you can then hit “purchase,” and you will finish the transaction in Affirm.
Affirm will ask you which payment plan you’d like to move forward with.(3 Months, 6 Months or 12 Months)
And once you finalize the order with Affirm, we will receive it and send you an email with instructions on how to log in to the COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide.
Once you have selected your payment plan option, you can then hit “purchase,” and you will finish the transaction in Affirm.

Affirm will ask you which payment plan you’d like to move forward with. (3 Months, 6 Months, or 12 Months)

Once you finalize the order with Affirm, we will receive it and email you instructions on how to log in to the COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide.

Same as on a PC- go to
Fill out your personal  information, and when you get to the payment section, select “Affirm”
see example below.

Then follow the same instructions for how to use Affirm on a PC
Affirm will ask you for some personal details to determine if you qualify. And don’t worry; the eligibility checker doesn’t affect your credit score. Only if you decide to pay with Affirm will this reflect on your credit score.

Once you have selected your payment plan option, you can then hit “purchase,” and you will finish the transaction in Affirm.

Affirm will ask you which payment plan you’d like to move forward with. (3 Months, 6 Months, or 12 Months)

Once you finalize the order with Affirm, we will receive it and send you an email with instructions on how to log in to the COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide.

So, I hope this helps you if you have been worried that the $495 is a bit steep but you also see the value in the Mexico Relocation Guide. And if you don’t want to use Affirm, don’t worry; you don’t have to. You can also check out with a debit or credit card.

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. when she was a child. She spent every summer visiting family throughout Mexico and is very knowledgeable about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English.

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