Mexico’s Independence Day is on September 16th every year. The celebration of Mexico’s independence starts at on the night of the 15th of September with the Cry of Independence.
The Cry of Independence (aka El Grito) is one of our country’s most important historical events, as it marks the beginning of the fight for the independence of Mexico.

The beginning of the independence movement began when the priest Hidalgo incited the town of Dolores to rise up in arms against the Spanish Royalty, summoning them all through the ringing of their parish bells and eloquently shouting the reasons why they could not stay—waiting without participating in this fight. This is why this event is called “El Grito.”
During the weeks leading up to the 15th of September, the streets of Mexico always display its green, white, and red colors—the flag’s colors. In addition, the main sites of the cities are illuminated, and citizens attend various events dressed in the typical costume: the men wear charro outfits, and the women dress like china poblanas.
To celebrate this historic event, a ceremony led by the President is held, where the bells of the National Palace are rung, alluding to Hidalgo’s call, while the Mexican flag is waved and toasts are given. Respecting the heroes of the homeland.

While the president shouts the name of each of them, the people gather at the Zócalo in Mexico City and enthusiastically shout ¡Viva! (or Live!) An expression that represents the respect and admiration of the nation towards these characters.
The Cry of Independence Goes Like This
¡Vivan los héroes que nos dieron patria!
¡Viva Hidalgo!
¡Viva Morelos!
¡Viva Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez!
¡Viva Allende!
¡Viva Aldama!
¡Viva la independencia Nacional!
¡Viva México!, ¡Viva México!, ¡Viva México!”
Translated Into English
Long live the heroes who gave us our homeland!
Long live Hidalgo!
Long live Morelos!
Long live Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez!
Long live Allende!
Long live Aldama!
Long live our National Independence!
Long live Mexico!, Long live Mexico!, Long live Mexico! ”
Learn more about important Holidays in Mexico.
How Is It Celebrated Throughout Mexico?

The Cry is not only given at the national level but can also be represented at the state and municipal level, where the corresponding leaders carry out this act from their respective seats of government.
Many locals take to the streets to show their patriotism along with local community leaders. There is usually a big fiesta on the streets, live music, live bands, fireworks, performing arts, and lots of food.
It’s a huge deal in Mexico.
This event is so important that in all schools in Mexico, this commemoration is included as part of the civic acts that help young people and children to know the history of their country, recalling the historical moment in which the fight for national freedom.

And for families who would rather stay home to celebrate, you can be sure there will be a family gathering with good food, alcohol, and music, and following the Grito since the event is televised and broadcast live throughout the country.
In Mexico City, it’s an event that attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators to the city’s center (aka the Zocalo). It’s a unique and energetic event. Although there are hotel rooftops and some spots from which you can view the event if you prefer to avoid the enormous crowds.
Expect Delays At Government Offices
Part of living in Mexico will be learning about all the new holidays and celebrations you aren’t used to. And being that Independence Day (Dia de La Independencia) in Mexico is such a huge deal, you should also be prepared for delays everywhere—especially in government offices.
It’s also important to note that the 16th is an official holiday, and employees are not required to work. But if they do, they are entitled to 3x their daily pay for the day. That means if you pay someone the minimum daily wage of $207.87 pesos, they are entitled to $207.87 x 3 =$623.61 pesos.
The following businesses or government offices tend to close on the 15th and 16th of September.
- INM- Immigration in Mexico
- Mexican Consulates Abroad
- Banks (ATMs still work)
- Courts
- Schools
- Notarios
- Car registration offices and the like
- And some retailers around the Zocal of Mexico City will close early on the 15th to make room for the thousands of people taking over the streets.
So, if you have plans to come to Mexico to celebrate Independence Day, I think it’s a great idea. But don’t expect to get your government processes to be done with a quick turnaround time around this week. Instead, plan to stay for a few weeks to enjoy the festivities while also getting legal matters taken care of.
Or better yet, don’t plan any important things around these days and instead focus on celebrating Mexico’s Independence Day.
Hi Mariana
We have the privilege of being in Mexico to celebrate this wonderful celebration. We are so looking forward to it.
the women dress like “chinas poblanas”. what does that mean?
I’d recommend to Google China poblana to see the attire 😊