AMA- Moving to Mexico 2021

In the latest live stream, I answered all YOUR questions about moving to Mexico. And I am sharing the replay with you below.

I will do these live streams where you get to ask me anything 2 times a month starting January 13th at 5 pm and every other Thursday after that! They’re 100% free AND you’ll get to ask your questions in real-time.

Here’s the first one

Goodbye, 2021- you’ve been an interesting year. It’s crazy to think just a year ago, Mexico Relocation Guide hadn’t launched yet. And now here we are a year later with over 2,000 subscribers. THANK YOU

If you haven’t subscribed already, please join my newsletter– I’ll share upcoming relocation tour dates, free resources, tips and advice for newcomers to Mexico and more!

Hope you have a great rest of 2021! Can’t wait to see you in 2022.

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and moved to the U.S. when she was a child. Every year she would split her time between life in the U.S. and Mexico- which gave her a deep understanding about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English. Since 2019, our blog posts, resources, videos, and COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Online Guide have helped thousands move to Mexico the right way!

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