How To Watch US and Canadian Shows in Mexico

A question that gets emailed a lot is, “how can I watch my favorite TV shows in English in Mexico?”

You can watch any of your favorite TV in Mexico in several ways.

Expat TV

If you hire a service like ExpatTV they have a lot of channels from the USA, Canada, and the UK. You can watch the news, sports, and live TV without using a VPN.

News shows like Fox, CNN, and BBC are available. 

Many of the movies are in English.  And weekly shows like Animal Planet, History Channel, A & E, TLC, FX, Warner, ESPN, Fox Sports, NFL Network, Golf Channel, National Geographic, etc…… They charge about $600 MXN a month and are available all over Mexico.

Using a VPN for Streaming

The first thing you need to know about watching shows in Mexico from the U.S. or Canada is getting a VPN.

A VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and is essentially a remote server you connect your device to that tells companies like Netflix, Roku, USTVnow and such that you are connected to a server in the U.S. or Canada, and therefore you are allowed to watch whatever show is local to that country.

I recommend Nord VPN for its reliability and cost. Prices are as low as $3 a month, and I have found it to be the best option for platforms like Amazon and Netflix (which are incredibly good at detecting VPNs).

Youtube Live TV

Another option is subscribing to Youtube Live TV- it works by connecting to a local antenna and showing you over-the-air channels like NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, NFL ESPN and more.

They charge about $49 USD/ Month and you get unlimited amounts of live TV plus you also get some channels that are only on cable TV included. You’ll need a VPN to ensure you can have access to TV in the U.S.

Learn How to Move to Mexico and Have a Better Life for Less! Check out our Complete Mexico Relocation Guide.


Roku is a great way to get access to your favorite shows too. Some of the programs are subscription-based.  You’ll need a TV with an HDMI cable port, then hook up the Roku to your TV for easy access to various English shows. I use Roku to get access to Netflix and Youtube and watch TV in English in Mexico.

You can buy a Roku on Amazon in Mexico, so you can even wait until you’re settled in and get it delivered to your door. Hassle-Free. It costs around $40 USD.


The Amazon Fire Stick will give you access to all the Amazon Prime movies, music, and tv shows.  It also can be connected with your NetFlix account, Hulu, Pandora, and all US TV channels, including sports. With a Fire Stick, you’ll have instant access to 200,000 movies and TV shows and more. 

Bring an Amazon Fire Stick with you when you move to Mexico, or you can buy it on Amazon Mexico when you arrive. (although buying it on Amazon Mexico will be slightly more expensive at around $55 USD vs. $40 USD) There is no monthly fee unless the channel you want to watch has one.

Bottom line, there are many different ways to access English TV shows, movies, sports, and news when you live in Mexico, So you won’t have to give up watching TV or movies when you move to Mexico!

If you’ve been wondering what your life would be like living in Mexico, the “Quick Guide to LIVING IN MEXICO” Is a must in your resources.

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. when she was a child. She spent every summer visiting family throughout Mexico and is very knowledgeable about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English.

Reader Interactions


  1. Gregor says

    This is a great article but it doesnt say I need a VPN along with the Firerstick? Do I?

    • Mariana Lange says

      It depends. If you want to watch local Mexican shows on your firestick, you won’t need a VPN. However, if you are planning to watch U.S. or Canadian shows with your firestick, you will need to have a VPN. Hope this answers your question!

    • Patrick J says

      I got a vpn from express and it didnt work on my samsung smart tv. Location was not hidden after installing and alot of things i tried said not available in your location. Very disappointing.

      • Shannon says

        i believe you would have to install the vpn on your router

  2. Robert Bartholomew says

    Do you only supply TV or is internet and landline phone available too

    • Mariana Lange says

      I do not supply internet or TV. I think you may have me confused. The article is talking about apps and ways to watch TV in Mexico, but these are not services I offer.
      Hope this helps!

  3. RoBartholomew says

    Thank you

  4. Lori says

    We are currently in MX, have a Roku TV, fire stick and a VPN. Problem…Amazon prime video still says it doesn’t service our country (MX). When I use it with the VPN enabled, it says VPN detected, turn it off. Any way around this snag to get prime video in MX?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Sounds like your VPN is not good enough and Amazon Prime US is detecting you have a VPN. I would suggest changing VPN providers

      • Robert Horbach says

        How do I get REAL US tv in Mexico City? What I have now is very sub-standard
        and is constantly freezing. What are my options? Is Direct TV available for a price)

        • Mariana Lange says

          Other than streaming it directly from each channel and using a VPN There is a company called expat TV. They might not be available in Mexico City though.
          Here is their info

          • ExpatTV says

            Thank you for recommending our great ExpatTV service. ExpatTV is available throughout México, Canada, the U.S., and around the world.


            Gracias y saludos!

  5. Annette says

    If I bring a Verizon Jet Pack and use my private internet will I be able to to connect without a VPN?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Annette!
      Usually, you will still need a VPN because the IP address is what needs to change. However, I am no sure what a Verizon Jet Pack is. I would ask Verizon if you’ll still need a VPN

  6. Joe Schwartz says

    Your article does not explain how to use a VPN with a Roku/TV hdmi connection? I can not install a VPN directly on the Roku streaming device or the TV, so where does the VPN come into play?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Joe
      You don’t install a VPN to any devices. Your VPN connects to the internet, and that’s how your devices think you’re in the USA or other country

      • Joe Schwartz says

        Thank you for the response. To be clear (still researching this), in order to do what you suggest, the streaming device has to have a VPN app like Firestick. In the case of Roku (which I have), there are no VPN apps so I would need to configure a VPN at the internet router which would not be an easy task especially at a hotel or a VRBO rental, correct?

  7. Tom says

    how do we usually install a VPN service to a smart tv? do we download the app on our phone? How does it connect to the device making a smart tv vis HDMI..

  8. G says

    I shared an apt in SMA that has SMATV, but also a Firestick. I loved it, because my roommate had the fire stick, but I was able to use all, including internet, and channels from all over the world.

    I have Total Play in my new apt, and really don’t like it as it. I want what I described above. I’ll buy the fire stick, but need to know what SMA TV is and where to find it. I’ve looked for it online, but it doesn’t exist.

    Please help. Thanks much.


    We purchased a house on Cozumel over a year ago. We use it as vaca home (no rental) but next year will start living part time there. We currently have no TV or internet but obviously will want it as our stay time increases. There was already a small dish on the roof with no name on it, and one cable leading to a bedroom. Trying to figure our options. My questions:
    1) Who is dish TV provider (is there only one?) for Cozumel that I call to see about plan costs?
    2) If I go the USATVNOW route, if I understand the article, I will need to: buy a Smart TV, subscribe to high speed internet, subscribe to a VRN box, and subscribe to USATVNOW. Correct?
    Thank You!

  10. Jeff says

    We used a Nord VPN and still could not get youtube tv.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Were you connected to the country you wanted to watch YouTube TV in?

      Sometimes VPNs are detected by platforms. It’s not perfect

      • Jeff says

        We were in Sayulita and connected to networks in the US. Nord is supposedly of the best VPN’s. Google which owns Youtube can detect if your using a vpn.

  11. Floyd Auchenbach says

    Really appreciate your article and it has helped me.

    Please let me know what are the things I need to purchase for English TV in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.

    I have a smart TV.

    Here are the only stations I need to receive:

    1) ABC
    2) CBS
    3) NBC
    4) FOX
    5) ESPN
    6) NFL

  12. Shane says

    Just heading down to the Mayan Riviera on Tuesday May 7th. Big Vancouver Canucks fan and don’t want to miss the playoff games while we’re away. I’ve installed ExpressVPN and I’m getting errors anytime I try and watch local programs on My Telus TV app. Says “Due to licensing agreements, this program is only available in Canada” I’m in Canada!! Still home for a couple days before we leave. If i disconnect it works fine. Any words of advice???

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