Moving To Mexico

March 7, 2023
U.S. Citizens Receiving Social Security Benefits Abroad Need These Forms
Generally, the US Social Security system requires all people living abroad receiving Social Security benefits to file a form SSA–7162 annually. And form SSA-7162 and SSA-7161 were on hold for the...
March 2, 2023
Should You Live Outside The “Expat Bubble?”
Moving to Mexico can be as rewarding as you want or as overwhelming as it can be. Either way, you probably don’t know anyone, you feel lost, and everything...
August 23, 2022
Things Expats Wish They Knew Before Retiring in Mexico
Mexico is one of the most popular and cheapest countries to retire. Thousands of Americans and Canadians move south every year for a better quality of life.  Before moving...
August 16, 2022
Move to Mexico in 5 Key Steps
Thousands of foreigners move to Mexico every year mainly because of the increasing cost of living in the US and Canada. Coupled with the rising tensions in politics that...
August 9, 2022
Where Should You Live in Mexico? Quick and Helpful Guide
Where you live should be interesting, adventurous, and fun! Not only a place where you get to survive and live another day. But a place you can thrive!  ...
May 10, 2022
When Is The Best Time to Move to Mexico?
You know, I think a question that doesn’t get asked very often is “When is the best time to move to Mexico?” I started thinking about this earlier this...
March 28, 2022
Don’t Move to Mexico BEFORE Considering These 8 Things!
By now, you’ve probably heard that living or retiring in Mexico is attractive for many reasons: And while it’s true that you can lower your cost of living by...
March 5, 2022
6 Benefits of Learning Spanish BEFORE You Move to Mexico
If you’re wondering exactly how much Spanish you’ll need for moving to Mexico, you’re not alone. The truth is, you can get by without speaking Spanish at all in...
February 24, 2022
Things You CANNOT Get in Mexico
When you start downsizing and planning your move to Mexico, you might think to yourself, “will I need this there?” I think it’s a typical thought process we all...