Why Should You Move to Mexico?

Did you know that Mexico is one of the top retirement destinations in the world?

Mexico has been featured in numerous popular publications as a top place to retire and move to. Recently, it’s gotten a lot of attention from digital nomads who, like me, are looking for a sense of adventure in a comfortable, affordable setting!

Many popular magazines have ranked Mexico when they make their list of “World’s Best Places to Retire In.

So why is Mexico so popular?

guadalajara offers a low cost of living

Well, Mexico has warm weather and a comfortable lifestyle at costs much lower than where you may be living now. Mexico also helps encourage foreigners to live here by making the residency visa process relatively easy and affordable.

Now. Does this mean you should pack your bags and jump on a plane immediately? Probably not. So here are the top reasons you should consider moving to Mexico.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Mexico is constantly changing, but compared to most areas of the world, Mexico still offers a more affordable lifestyle without sacrificing a good quality of life!

Todos Santos is a wonderful place to live in Baja California Sur
Todos Santos is a wonderful place to live in Baja California Sur

The natural beauty, fresh food, and diversity of scenery and activities make life fun, while living expenses can be very low. However, your exact budget will depend on where you live in Mexico and what kind of lifestyle you want to have.

I interviewed my friend Russell, who lives in Huatulco, and she agreed to share his living expenses with you. Rent and medical insurance will be the biggest determining factors in your budget. 

  • Rent in a 1 bed 1 bath house- $8,000 Pesos/Month (use Xe.com to calculate this in your country’s currency)
  • Utilities- $15-$30 USD every 2 months
  • Eating Out 2-3 x week- $250 USD/ Month
  • Internet – $20 USD/month
  • Groceries – $75 USD/Week

His total budget is around $1500 USD/month. Russell lives on social security and doesn’t do a lot of traveling. Instead, he spends a lot of his free time playing pickleball with his girlfriend and spending time on the beach.

So what does that mean for you?

cuernavaca has amazing weather year round
Cuernavaca Morelos

I can confidently say that it is very realistic for you to live in Mexico on $2,300/month as a couple and as low as $1500/month as a single person if you have medical insurance (which I will cover later on).

Move to Mexico For The Weather

An important reason you should consider moving to Mexico is the weather!

Mexico is close enough to the equator to allow you to pick your ideal temperature. The hot areas are usually constantly hot, and the cooler areas are usually constantly cool. There aren’t many places in Mexico with drastic weather conditions, like snow for weeks.

Mexico is a big country, and its climates range from hot and arid to temperate, cool, and rainy. There’s something for everyone here!

Some places like Ajijic, San Miguel de Allende, and Cuernavaca are known for their comfortable temperate and fresh climates year-round. These cities draw people in to move to Mexico not only for their charm but also for their inviting nature.

If 70-degree weather is too cool for you, Mexico’s beaches will be your ideal setting. Not only are the beaches in Mexico beautiful, but they vary greatly from North to South.

That’s the wonderful thing about Mexico—no two places are alike. The only caveat is that the beaches are in the hurricane belt. Rest assured that these cities have had their fair share of tropical storms and are prepared to handle them.

Mexico tends to have two seasons: the rainy and dry seasons.

The coastal areas in the south will be humid and hot. The middle’s central highland areas usually have temperate weather, with the heaviest rainfalls during June-September. If you like drier weather but want to be close to the beach, you can live in the Baja Peninsula, which enjoys a Mediterranean climate like San Diego but at a fraction of the cost. 

This means you can choose your ideal year-round temperature based on location and elevation. Luckily, there are several cities that fall under each of the categories I mentioned. 

Health Care & Health Insurance

What if you could save a ton of money on a basic need like your health without having to sacrifice your actual well-being? Talk to any expat living in Mexico about their healthcare experiences here, and you’ll get overwhelmingly good reviews. 

Many doctors in Mexico have been trained in the U.S. Sometimes, you’ll even find a few who speak English. Most private hospitals in Mexico are very modern and equipped with excellent tools, making Mexican healthcare of international standards.

Also, most medications are widely available at Mexican pharmacies, many without needing a prescription.

hospitals in mexico are modern

Medical care in Mexico is first-class and usually costs a fraction of what most people are used to paying. It isn’t unusual to pay $15-$30 for a doctor’s visit in Mexico. And that isn’t a copay. That is a visit without insurance.

Because healthcare costs are so affordable, many ex-pats living in Mexico choose to “self-insure,” meaning they simply pay out of pocket for their medical visits and move to Mexico without ever buying health insurance.

If you do decide to purchase health insurance in Mexico, you can also expect it to be affordable, depending on your pre-existing conditions and the type of coverage it offers. There are a wide variety of plans available for all budgets!

If you’re interested in learning more about healthcare insurance in Mexico, I’ve done various livestreams with different brokers discussing healthcare options in Mexico.

Established Expat Communities

Another reason to consider moving to Mexico is that there are several established expat communities there. Foreigners worldwide have discovered the beautiful, vibrant, and affordable lifestyle available in Mexico. 

Some areas have a higher concentration of ex-pats than others. For example, Ajijic, Puerto Vallarta, and San Miguel de Allende have thousands of ex-pats living there. 

Why is this worth mentioning?

Well, moving to a foreign country is hard. It could make your transition more comfortable if you live in an area with more ex-pats because there will be more English spoken and people like you who can sympathize with the changes you are adapting to. You can also get involved in many activities that will have other expats around.

And areas with more ex-pats tend to have more services and products you are familiar with. 

Some other parts of Mexico have fewer ex-pats, but it can be just as valuable to you if you’re looking to immerse yourself in Spanish and Mexican culture. Regardless of where you come from, you’ll be surprised at how many foreigners you meet from your home country or other countries. There’s a melting pot of foreigners here who call Mexico their home!

Check out some of our Interviews With Expats Across Mexico

Beautiful Nature

Not only is the weather in Mexico nice and warm year-round, but the beautiful landscapes that make up this country are lush, green, and amazing! 

Mexico has thousands of miles of coastline, white sandy beaches, rugged mountains, dense jungles, and a seemingly endless variety of plants and animals. Around the country, you can spot exotic birds of every color and shape. Because of the availability of dense tropical forests, there are sloths, howler monkeys, nasuas, jaguars, and coatis. In the mountain regions, there are even bears.

Mexico's nature is impressive

Mexico’s nature is one thing that amazes people the most!

It truly feels like a paradise because you can experience mountains, waterfalls, hot springs, and beaches in parts of Mexico in one day.

Rich Culture

If you love having new experiences, you’ll never get bored in Mexico! Mexicans are proud of their country and their heritage. As a result, there is always a good reason to have a fiesta in Mexico and throw a party to commemorate a special tradition! 

parade in Mexico for semana santa

It seems that almost every weekend of every month, something is going on. Some of the most important celebrations include:

January – Reyes Magos

April – Semana Santa (the week leading up to Easter Sunday)

September- 16 de Septiembre (Independence Day)

November – Dia de Muertos

December – Posadas, Christmas, and Noche Buena

These are only some of the top holidays in the country. However, each region has its own festivals and traditions.

Part of the exciting thing about Mexico is that the people love to celebrate a holiday or a tradition and really go all out in decorations, traditional dresses, parades, and music.

Great Location

Mexico’s location greatly appeals to retirees and digital nomads from the United States or Canada. Despite feeling worlds apart, Mexico is quite accessible and well-connected to the rest of North America. Its proximity allows for frequent visits or the convenience of hosting family and friends while enjoying Mexico’s rich culture, affordability, and diverse landscapes.

And you won’t have to cross oceans if you need to return to your home country quickly.

la paz playa balandra

Another significant advantage is the time zone. Mexico shares similar time zones with many major North American cities, making it a practical choice for remote work or retirement. This makes it way easier to handle those pesky time zone differences.

Moreover, Mexico boasts numerous international airports, providing easy access for travelers. Driving your car down from the United States or Canada is another popular way to reach your new home in Mexico. Whether you prefer direct flights or enjoy road trips, it can be done in Mexico easily.

New Adventure

And finally, one of the most important reasons you should consider moving to Mexico is simply because it’s a new adventure! Life can get boring when you do the same things repeatedly. Mexico will give you a new adventure, unique cultural experiences, and a more affordable lifestyle. 

Moving to a new country can be hard, but it should also be exciting. I hope this post has inspired you to dream about your life in this colorful and friendly place I like to call home.

If you want to know more about living in Mexico, make sure to visit my page on “The Ultimate Guide on Living in Mexico for Expats.” I just updated it!

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. when she was a child. She spent every summer visiting family throughout Mexico and is very knowledgeable about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English.

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