Hello, everyone! If you’re thinking about moving to Mexico or just curious about what it’s like, this post is for you. In this video, Lainie and her son Miro share their experiences of relocating from Los Angeles to Mexico.

You’ll learn about their journey, the challenges they faced, and the amazing life they’ve built in Guanajuato.
From Los Angeles to Mexico
Lainie and Miro, originally from Los Angeles, made the big move to Mexico following the economic crash in 2008.

Lainie, who had a career in advertising and owned her own agency, saw her clients disappear and decided it was time for a change. Being a single parent, she was overworked and stressed, spending little time with her then 9-year-old son, Miro.

They decided to sell everything and travel the world for a year, which eventually led them to Mexico.
Falling in Love with Guanajuato
Lainie first came to Mexico in 2020, during the pandemic, and quickly fell in love with Guanajuato. Despite initial plans to travel to Japan, she decided to stay and make a home in this vibrant city.

Miro, who was in the States at the time, eventually joined her, and they both settled in Guanajuato, a place rich in culture and community.
The Benefits of Living in Mexico
One of the biggest advantages they highlight is the quality of life in Mexico. They enjoy a slower pace, a strong sense of community, and the opportunity to grow and learn. Lainie and Miro mention that they don’t miss much from the United States, except for some snacks like salt and vinegar kettle chips. 😉
They have embraced the local culture and built deep connections with their neighbors and the local community.
Safety and Adaptation
Lainie and Miro address common concerns about safety in Mexico.

They emphasize the importance of being aware of your surroundings and making smart choices, just as you would anywhere else. They both feel safer in Mexico than in many places in the US and encourage others to do their research and not be swayed by misconceptions.
Building a Life and Community
In Guanajuato, they have created a fulfilling life. Lainie loves gardening and painting, while Miro enjoys the social scene and rock climbing. They have also started a new business, a board game cafe called Changos 3, which reflects their playful approach to life and their desire to build community.
Embracing Local Culture
Lainie and Miro stress the importance of respecting and integrating into the local culture. They live in local homes, follow local customs, and avoid demanding luxuries that are uncommon in Mexico. They believe in forming genuine relationships and contributing to the community in meaningful ways.

Watch Their Story
In our latest video, they share their incredible journey:
- How Lainie transitioned from being an overworked single mom to traveling the world with her son and leaving the rat race behind.
- The story of how they discovered Guanajuato.
- The obstacles they encountered along the way.
- Tips and advice on integrating into Mexican society and common mistakes newcomers make. Navigating Mexican bureaucracy.
- How they found their $8,000 Pesos a month rental (about $450 USD).
- Their perspective on safety in Mexico, given the cartel news.
- A comparison of Guanajuato to other cities in Mexico.
- Advice for others considering a move to Mexico.
Watch their story on our latest video
Book a Private Relocation Tour
If you are inspired by their story and considering a move to Mexico, why not book a private relocation tour in Guanajuato?

Experience firsthand why so many people find happiness and a better quality of life in this beautiful country. Moving to Mexico can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make, offering a blend of adventure, culture, and community.
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