Please note I cannot help you schedule your appointments. This post is for information purposes only. If you would like help with your immigration process, you need to hire an immigration expert. To get access to our recommended contacts you must first purchase our COMPLETE MEXICO RELOCATION ONLINE GUIDE .
Create an account

First, go to the site
Click on “crear cuenta”
Translate to English
On the top-right corner, there is a drop-down under “idioma”. Click on it, and select EN. This stands for English. When you click on “EN” the site with translate to English.

Choose Your Country From The Drop Down
Under “Country,” you should look for “Estados Unidos de America.” This is the United States. If you are applying for a different country, you should know the site doesn’t have the countries translated into their name. The countries are in Spanish.
Only First and Last Name Are Required
In Mexico, it is common to register your children with both their fathers’ and mothers’ last names. Since this is not common in most other countries, the mother’s last name is not a required field. You will only need to fill out your first and last name.

Make Sure Your Country Code Is Correct
Under primary and alternate phone numbers, you should keep in mind it will default to Mexico’s country code. (52) If your phone number is from the U.S. it should be a +1. Look up the United States on the drop-down. If you are applying from a different country, select your country code from the drop-down.

Set Your Password
Your password must be between 12 and 45 characters long. It should have at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter. It should also have one non-alphanumeric character. For example * , & , # , ^, ! , ?

Validate Your Account
To finalize your account creation, you will need to verify your account. You should receive an email like the one below. Click the link after “validate your account”. If you’re not looking to schedule an appointment right now, this will be your last step for now. Otherwise, there’s a part 2.

If you log out and try to log back into the online portal but are getting an error about your account being locked, don’t worry. Reset your password, follow the instructions you get by email, and this will help you log in again.
Proceed to Schedule Your Appointment
Once you click the link in your email, you will be redirected to this screen below.
Click on “Schedule” to look up available times and dates at the Mexican consulate you registered on your account.
If you don’t want to schedule an appointment at this time, you can close out of this screen. If you wish to schedule an account in the future, you will need to visit and log in with your information. If the site says “your account is blocked” try resetting your password and that should let you log in.

Select Your Consulate
In most cases, you don’t need to visit the Mexican consulate nearest you to process a residency visa. Most Mexican consulates, with few exceptions, allow people from other states to schedule appointments. To change the Mexican consulate you wish to schedule an appointment with, select the state under “Estado” and the city under “Oficina Consular.” (see example below)
If you make a mistake at any point, all you have to do is click on “Cancelar” and it will start the process for you from the beginning.

If your nearest consulate does not show up like the example above, that means they are not using this online portal for appointments, or they are not taking appointments for the time being. Please check the consulate’s website for instructions.
Make Sure The Appointment Type is for VISA
When you select the Consulate in which you will make an appointment, make sure the appointment type is VISA. If this is not an option when you’re scheduling an appointment, that means there is a high chance the Mexican Consulate will turn you away.

More Information About You
Once you have selected the consulate you wish to make an appointment with, you’ll need to fill out more information on the person who will be visiting the consulate. Once you have filled this potion out, you have to click on “Verify”
Below the image, I’ve included the translations for each field.

- Nombre= Name
- Primer Apellido= Last Name
- Segundo Apellido= Mother’s Last Name (you don’t need to fill this part out if you do not have this in your passport)
- Fecha de nacimiento= Date of Birth (the format is YYYY/MM/DD)
- Sexo= Sex
- Femenino= Female
- Masculino= Male
- Nacionalidad= Nationality
- Estado Civil= Marriage Status
- Soltero= Single
- Casado= Married (if you select this option, you’ll get a message on adding your last name to your passport. Select No. This doesn’t apply to you)
- Viudo= Widowed
- Union Libre= Common Law
- Divorciado= Divorced
- Lugar de nacimiento = Birth Place
- All countries are in Spanish. For USA look up “Estados Unidos”
- Estado= State
- Condado= County
- Localidad= Locality (not a required field)
Do you have a Mexican Passport or Consular ID?
Most people do not have a Mexican passport or consular ID. Therefore, click “No” on this option. Once you are done, select Verify. Otherwise, you cannot proceed. Then click on “Continuar” to continue.

Appointment Type Should Be VISA
Once you fill out your personal information, you will get another window like this. Again, make sure the option for “VISA” is selected. If this isn’t an option, then that means this consulate isn’t processing visas at the moment. Or it might mean to schedule a residency visa appointment, you might have to email the consulate. Check their website for more information. (Google search: Mexican Consulate Name of City)
Example below. Once you are done, select “Agregar.”

Select The Type Of Procedure (Tramite)
When you intend to initiate your residency visa, you should select “Sin permiso del INM” under “Tipo de Tramite. This means you don’t have permission from INM which is Mexico’s Immigration Authority.

Select The Type of Visa You Are Applying For
Depending on the type of visa you are applying for, you will have to select it from the drop-down under “Sub tipo de tramite.” You should select either “Residente Temporal” (temporary resident) or “Residente Permanente” (permanent resident). Click on “Continuar” to continue.

Additional Details
The Mexican consulate would like to know if the person requesting an appointment is handicapped, is naturalized, or someone providing assistance to the handicapped person.

Your Contact Information And Emergency Contact
I know this will seem a bit redundant at this point, but you need to fill out your contact information once more. Additionally, the Mexican consulate will also need an emergency contact. Below the example, I’ve included the translations for each field:

- Domicilio= Address
- Pasi= Country
- Codigo Postal= Zip Code (if you live in the U.S., you can enter your zip code and click on “Buscar.” This will auto-populate your state and county fields.
- Estado= State
- Condado- County
- Colonia= City
- En case de emergencia avisar a= In case of emergency contact
- Nombre= Name
- Primer Apellido= Last Name
- Segundo Apellido= Mother’s Last Name (not a required field. Do not fill out if you do not have 2 last names on your passport)
- Correo electronico= email address
- Telefono principal= Phone number (for U.S. phone numbers, select United States or the +1 area code)
- Telefono adicional- additional phone number
- Es la misma direction del solicitante?= Is the address the same as the applicant?
Click on “Continuar” to continue
Select A Time and Date Available
Not all consulates will have times and dates available. I suspect that with the rollout of this new interface, the Mexican consulates will slowly add more appointments to their calendars. If the consulate you select has a time and date available, it’ll show it on the calendar below in either green (high availability) yellow (low availability), or orange (almost no availability). (see below)

Unfortunately, some consulates don’t have a lot of availability. I have found that you have to check at various times of day and every day.
If there is no availability, the calendar date will be empty. If there is no availability in the future, it could also mean that the consulate does not have an online option for visa appointments. I suggest visiting their home page and looking for the section under “Visas.”
Many consulates have information on how to book an appointment for residency visas under this section.
How to Cancel An Appointment
If you cannot keep your appointment, please cancel it. This will open up the schedule for others wishing to book an online appointment.
To cancel, please log into the online portal with the email and password you used to create an account. The portal can be accessed by going to
Then select the garbage can icon on the scheduling screen

Then you will need to hit “Aceptar” to accept the cancellation of your appointment. If you hit “cancelar”, this will cancel your request to cancel your appointment.

Having a Hard Time Finding Appointments?
Pro Tip-In some cases, you’ll have better luck getting an appointment by checking the local consulate’s website and looking for an email address or contact at the consulate that can help you schedule an appointment. Sometimes, this information is buried in the website’s pages, usually under “Visas for Foreigners” or Visas para Extranjeros.
In some cases, it may be impossible to get an appointment at your local consulate, which means you may need to travel to a different consulate with more readily available appointments.
If you want help with making an appointment at a Mexican Consulate, we have a few recommended immigration facilitators who will help you. To get access to our step-by-step online guide and our directory of vetted contacts, check out our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide.
I have followed your instructions completely and it will not let me verify. Registration was successful and validated but it states that there is no person under my name registered so will not let me verify. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Hi Heather,
Sorry you can’t verify your account. But without seeing exactly what you are doing on your end it’s hard for me to know what the problem could be.
Perhaps you could email me some screenshots? [email protected]
I am also getting the same problem. it cannot verify me hence I cannot proceed. what should I do?
Hi Mariana,
Thank you for the guide. When I am to select Visa Services, I cannot choose any of the option and proceed.
-On trip de tramite – only option is “Con permiso del INM (validacion via servicio web con el INM) ”
-Sub tip de tramite – cannot choose
-Besides no. pasaporte it indicates a text field “*appointment.stepTwo.secction1.nud:”
Can you help me?
Hi Kat! I’m sorry- without knowing a few things like
-which consulate you are trying to book at
-What error messages you are getting
-Or what parts are not filled out correctly
It’s impossible for me to know why you’re not getting an option to book. I would suggest working with one of our immigration facilitators who can not only book your appointment at the Mexican Consulate but will also help you every step of the way to get you a residency visa.
It’s all part of our Online Course
Have you find out what to do on this one? Having the same problem
Have you find out what to do on this one? Having the same problem
Hi. How can I can I cancel my appointment or how can I reschedule it?
You can’t reschedule or cancel. You have to wait for that appointment to pass and try to schedule a new one
Hi, I’m a filipina and I want to have a tourist visa in Mexico, i already register an account in mexitel, can you tell me what should i choose in the part when they ask what type of procedure? (tramite)
Thank you
I am not getting the option sin permiso del INM. I AM ONLY getting the option con permiso del INM what should I do now?
I am an Indian citizen in belize. I need a tourist visa for mexico.I am not getting the option sin permiso del INM. How do I get that option
Hi, thank you so much for your post, it helps me a lot. Can you also post a guide for tourist visa? I’m a Filipina and I’m having difficulty in securing a schedule for tourist visa. Hope you can help me. Thank you so much.
This is extremely frustrating, your article was on point. I can’t get an appointment with the San Jose California Mexican consulate so I’m just going to hope for the best and walk in.
I know it’s frustrating to get a consulate appointment. Were you able to walk in and get one?
I have registered but when I go to set up appointment it says there is no record of that office. I am trying to set up an appt. in Quito, Ecuador.
Then that means the office in Quito is not accepting appointments
Hi, thanks for this information. Would you please help me what *Tipo Tramite* will I pick in the appointment process? I want to obtain Mexico Tourist Visa. It’s not showing up in options to choose from, under *Sub tipo de tramite. Thank you in advance.
If you are from one of the “no visa required” countries you do not need to apply for a Mexican visa ahead of time. You get it at the airport.
The no visa required countries are:
Any country in the Schengen
Hi Mariana.
Some feedback as requested above. Instructions are clear as glass, no issues. Tried to schedule an appointment, only place I found in TX with minimum availability was Laredo.
Thanks Tony
Hi I am having the same problem as Heather. It will not recognise my name So I cant verify nor continue on to the next stage.
Do we request one appointment for a married couple or do we need to both request an appointment?
You request one and there is an option to add a second person on that appointment.
Thank you!
Good Morning Mariana,
I was able to schedule an appointment for my husband, however I could not see the option to add myself to the appointment. Help….lol!
Hey Katherine. It was an option in the process. Once you have scheduled the appointment there isn’t a way to add him. You’ll have to schedule one for yourself or you can try to email the consulate and explain your problem. See if they’ll let you both come in under the same appointment.