Immigration Fees in Mexico – 2025

If you are applying to become a resident in Mexico, there are specific immigration fees you should be aware of. These usually increase each year and are different based on which residency visa or immigration process you will be applying for.

Visitor Visa (tourist)

When you travel to Mexico as a tourist, you will either drive across the border, fly in or take a cruise. And in case you didn’t know this, there is a fee that Mexico charges foreigners to process their FMM or forma migratoria multiple, which is essentially your tourist permit to travel around Mexico.

The cost of this is $861 MXN (about $45 USD)

You can pay for your FMM at the INM offices on the land borders if you are driving across. However, if you are traveling to Mexico for less than 7 days, it is free.

All foreign tourists must stop at INM on their way into Mexico and process their FMM even if you are staying for just a day or two. There are checkpoints where, if you get caught without an FMM, you can be sent to a temporary immigration jail. If you are a resident or national, you don’t need to stop at INM or pay the FMM fees.

If you are flying to Mexico, the airline automatically charges you this amount when you reserve and pay for your ticket. No need to pay for this again. If you are not a tourist, you can apply for a refund. But in my experience, getting a refund is a marathon.

If you are taking a cruise to Mexico, the cruise line automatically charges its passengers for this permit to enter Mexico. However, you aren’t given an FMM as you’d normally get if you were flying or driving to Mexico.

Temporary Residents

The first part of your residency process will almost always start in your home country. You have to secure a Mexican consulate appointment, and they will check to see if you qualify for residency in Mexico. The cost of this consular appointment is always $54 USD/ $80 CAD or the equivalent based on your home country’s currency. The consular fee is non-refundable regardless of whether you are approved or not.

The second part of the process takes place in Mexico and is known as CANJE.

Because most Temporary Residents are initially given their residency card for one year, you can expect the cost of this to be $5,570 MXN.

After the first year, you will have to renew your residency visa and can only do so for up to 4 years. These are the costs for renewal

  • 1 Year $5,570 MXN
  • 2 Years $8,347 MXN
  • 3 Years $10,571 MXN

Permanent Residents

If you are given permanent residency at the Mexican Consulate that approved your residency, your visa is indefinite and does not need to be renewed. You only pay $6,789 MXN once (about $340 USD).

When you come to Mexico, you pay this amount to finish your process at the INM offices.

Learn How to Move to Mexico and Have a Better Life for Less! Check out our Complete Mexico Relocation Guide.

RNE Program- Regularization Program

  • The 4-year Temporary Residency Fee: $12,529 MXN
  • An RNE Fee for Immigration to do a Study on Your Case: $1,780 MXN
  • And a Fine For Overstaying your FMM Allowed Time: $2,171.40-$10,857 MXN- varies by case and by INM office.

Work Permit for Temporary Residents

If you wish to work in Mexico as a temporary resident, you must obtain permission to work from INM. Even if you rent an Airbnb in Mexico as a temporary resident, you have to ask INM for permission to work- because you are generating an income.

The cost of this work permit is $$4,182 MXN

Permanent Residents are given permission to work without having to process any additional permits., You are supposed to notify INM of your intent to work and what you plan to do.

Temporary Residents Changing to Permanent Residency

After 4 years as a Temporary Resident, you can become a permanent resident. The process is very straightforward and needs to be done in Mexico.

The cost of this change in your residency status is $1,780 MXN.

Exit and Re-Entry Permit

Any new resident of Mexico who is coming to process their canje (the exchange of their residency stamp for a residency card) CANNOT leave Mexico without written permission from INM. Doing so will cancel your residency process, and you will have to start over again.

For this, INM has a special exit and re-entry permit for people in special circumstances. With this permit, you are allowed to leave Mexico for a period of up to 60 days. At this point, you will have to come back to Mexico and cannot leave until you have your residency card in hand.

The cost of this permit is $569 MXN

Read this to determine if you are eligible for residency in Mexico.

Who Can Help You To Obtain Residency in Mexico?

Mexican bureaucracy can be challenging and time-consuming, especially for anyone who has never had to deal with immigration in Mexico.

And although it isn’t impossible to process your residency on your own, the process can be frustrating and confusing. So, who can help you ensure you have a smoother experience?

Hiring An Immigration Facilitator

However, remember that an immigration facilitator’s fees are on top of immigration fees. And you can expect to pay an immigration facilitator anywhere from $5,000-$10,000+ MXN per person (approx $250-500 USD). Depending on who you hire, what services they offer, how much they will do for you or expect you to do on your own, how many people in your family they are helping, and a few other factors.

A good and reputable immigration facilitator can help guide you through the residency process in Mexico. And because the process varies slightly from one INM office to another in Mexico, it’s important to hire a facilitator familiar with local norms.

Hiring a local expert who knows the immigration processes will not only save you time, but it can save you money. Not to mention saving you some frustrations.

Because of this, I have put together a directory of my recommended immigration facilitators across Mexico. I have them in a variety of cities in different states of Mexico. If you’d like one of our recommendations, check out our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide.

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and moved to the U.S. when she was a child. Every year she would split her time between life in the U.S. and Mexico- which gave her a deep understanding about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English. Since 2019, our blog posts, resources, videos, and COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Online Guide have helped thousands move to Mexico the right way!

Reader Interactions


  1. Maria Wagner says

    When you come to Mexico to complete canje, how many days does that usually take? Days, weeks, months??

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Maria
      It fully depends on which INM office you go to
      Some offices can process you in 1 day, some offices take up to 4 weeks


      • Richard Upson says

        After getting temporary residency, how often can I come back to the states? To visit children and I have a house here.

        • Mariana Lange says

          You can come in and out of Mexico as many times as you would like.

  2. Tony says

    Hi Mariana,

    Great information. I have two questions:

    1- Typically, how long does it take to get the residence card in Mexico and it it different for permanent vs temporary?

    2- Once one has the residence card, does he have to live in mexico or can come maybe once a yeaar to visit?

    3- what are the good immersion Spanish schools in mexico (Potentially near beach areas)?

    Thank you for your help

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Tony
      1- the timeframe to get your residency card fully varies on which consulate you start the process in, and which office in Mexico you finish the process in. Assuming you get your appointment at a Mexican consulate rather fast, you will have to travel to Mexico. At which point (and depending on which INM office you go to) it can take from 1 day and up to 4 weeks for you to get your card.
      2-You don’t have to live in Mexico full time. But if you have a temporary residency you do have to come back to Mexico to renew it in person before it expires
      3-The ones I know of are Zaloa languages and in Oaxaca- so not near the beach

      • Ann says

        I thought. Parts of Oaxaca are along the beach as Huatulco?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Oaxaca city is about 5 hours away from the beach. And Zaloa languages is in Puebla- not near the beach.

          • Paul Guzman says

            Hi Mariana and congratulations on your successful Mexico Relocation Guide.

            Question. Does the MRG address how a Mexican born person whom became a natuaralized American Citizen before 1998, how they can reclaim their Mexican Citizenship back and or dual citizenship?

          • Mariana Lange says

            Hi Paul! Thanks for your nice comments
            If you were born in Mexico, you will always be a Mexican citizen. You never lose it.
            To claim your citizenship back, all you have to do is go to your nearest Mexican consulate and bring your birth certificate from Mexico.
            Then you can obtain your Mexican passport 🙂

  3. Ester says

    Good morning Mariana,

    My best friend just purchased your relocation guide as we plan to move and retire from the US to Mexico in 2025, it’s just invaluable so we appreciate all your efforts and dedication!

    My questions pertain to importing a car. I have a 2018 Rav4 that I would like to be able to import. There will not be a lien on the vehicle after 2025. If I understand correctly I can have it there while I have a temporary visa, correct?

    If I obtain a temporary visa for 4 years in 2025, it would be over 10 years old when I look to become a permanent resident.

    I’m asking for some general information about if this would work as a viable plan, rough cost of any fees, etc. I believe I read something about the car needs to be manufactured in the US or possibly Mexico, how do I find out if my car was made here in the US?

    Of course I know fees increase annually but just helps now to at least have a base to work from if my vehicle falls into the import criteria.

    Thank you!

    • April Lane says

      If a person is able to qualify for a Temporary Visa and renews it, of course, during the 4-year period, will they need to meet the Permanent Visa’s financial requirements during/before the 4 years has passed?
      Or, is meeting the requirements of the temporary pass for those 4 years enough?

  4. Jessica Ediger says

    Useful information! My husband will be the primary applicant and I the dependent. In the horrid event of his death while we are temporary or permanent residents, would I need to restart the application over again and re-qualify for the minimum income? Thank you!

    • Mariana Lange says

      No you would not need to re-apply in the case of that terrible circumstance.
      You would be eligible for permanent after 4 years as a temp resident

      • Karen Beiser says

        Hi Mariana,

        In this article you say that to change from temporary to permanent residency is $1,632. Is that Mexican, or US?
        Thank you so much!

        • Mariana Lange says

          All of the fees stated in the article are in Mexican Pesos 🙂

    • Sanjoy Biswas says

      Hi Mariana,

      Great work!

      Which INM office in Mexico does convert your 1 yr Temporary Residency straight to Permanent in 2025/2026?

  5. Michael Koon says

    I would like to start the process of acquiring permanent residency, but am having a great deal of difficulty securing an appointment at a consulate/embassy in the US. Any hints for getting this done?

    • Mariana Lange says

      We hear this all the time. That’s why we recommend hiring a facilitator that can help you book an appointment at your nearest consulate or at a consulate with the soonest availability
      In our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide, we include our recommended immigration facilitators across Mexico. Some of them can help you book an appointment.
      Check out what’s included here


  6. Chantel Gooch says

    Hi Mariana, My wife and I intend to apply for permanent residency and move to Puerto Vallarta for retirement in 2024. We are currently in Portland OR. The application procedures are all online and the consulate calls you for appt. after they receive the application. Since the forms are for individuals, I assume we can only get individual appointments? We would prefer to have a single appointment as a married couple. One of our incomes is lower than the other and may not make the minimum requirement for residency. But our combined married income is big enough. Can you assist with arranging the appointment for married couples at the Portland consulate? We have bought your relocation guide. Or do you just assist with Mexican facilitators once we get there?

    • Mariana Lange says

      The facilitators that offer appointment scheduling are the ones that can help you secure an appointment. In the online guide there are a few immigration facilitators that offer appointment scheduling. Under their names, I give a description of the services they offer. I don’t do appointment scheduling 🙂

      • Thomas says

        Hello Mariana,

        My wife and I love your YouTube channel. It is so informative and helpful. We are planning to retire in the Lake Chapala area within the next year to 2 years and will be fixing the area this October. Our question is can we start our temp visa process and get our visa card while we are there in October even though we are not actually living there yet or do we have to have an actual physical address were we would be retiring?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Hi Thomas!
          You actually need to start the residency process in your home country at the nearest Mexican consulate
          Once you get pre-approved, you finish the process in Mexico. And yes, you can certainly finish the process in Guadalajara or Chapala.
          It doesn’t matter if you don’t have an address in Mexico nailed down yet. Many people use their airbnb or hotel address while they find their long term rental.
          Once you do have a long term rental, you are required to change your address with INM (immigration) within 90 days.

          Hope this helps!

          • Brooke says

            How long does this home country portion usually take for people in the US (assuming Miami or DC Consulate)?

          • Mariana Lange says

            It can take the consulate up to 10 business days. However, DC usually gives you a decision the same day

  7. Tina Knautz says

    Good Morning!
    My husband and I would like to get our permanent residency visa and relocate to the Baja; are we able to bring a car from the US here (does the free zone qualify for permanent residents)?

  8. A says

    If you have a permenant visa are you reqired to obtain the visitor visa when flying back into Mexico?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Amy
      No- if you have residency in Mexico, you do not need a visitor visa when flying back into Mexico. Your passport will be stamped by immigration control when you come into the country

  9. Sara says

    I was sick and forgot to renew my temporary visa. In December of this year I think I am eligible for Permanente status, am I right?

  10. Archana Lee says

    Can you publish the current income or asset requirements for both the temporary and permanent residency, please?
    Thanks for this update.

  11. Edward Martinez says

    My question is citizenship if I am a Descendant but it took 9 generation to find from Mexico because generations were from CA, TX,NM, AZ and Mexico but Mexico owned those states as part of Mexico back then. How would that work?

  12. Edward Martinez says

    Which Consulate location is usually the quickest to deal with to get the process and completion of paperwork done with the least amount of hassle. I also heard prices can range, where would it be wise to start the process

  13. Peter Marsman says

    What are the 2023 Temporary Residency financial requirements?

  14. Barbara Price says

    I have initiated my plan to re-locate. I will rent/lease initially then buy a house, or I may purchase a house before moving permanently after visiting. Should I just rent/lease I would be interested in living in the home for several years is that a reasonable expectation? I retired very early and have lived in this home for 23 years. I have not yet subscribed to your service as I do not know how long it will take to prepare for the move. Currently waiting for Pass Port renewal I estimate early Spring or sooner.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Barbara
      Thanks for writing in. Yes, we recommend renting for at least 6 months to a year before buying real estate in Mexico. That way you can see for yourself where you like living and will have ultimate flexibility to move if you don’t like the place you are in.

  15. Kunyu Wang says

    I have a US green card holder but a Chinese citizen. Does everything in this article still apply in my case?

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yes- all the information on this post still applies. If you are living in the US, you can go to your nearest Mexican consulate to apply.

  16. Rita says

    We entered at PV airport and passport was marked correctly for “Canje”. When our electronic fmm was printed, REPOSICIÓN was checked instead of Canje. Is this a problem since passport stamp is correct? If it is a problem, how can I get it fixed?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yes it is a problem because the digital FMM is what is in the system
      Reposicion is to replace – which is not canje
      If you’re not working with a facilitator, I’d suggest hiring one to help you sort it all out.

      If you need a recommendation, we have a few in Puerto Vallarta.
      When you buy the guide, you get instant access to the easy to follow steps, and also our complete directory.
      Find out what’s included here

  17. Ruby Gutierrez says

    I understand the initial temporary visa process requires presenting financial documents (bank statements, investment statements, etc.) to Mexican Consulate in the US. Do the consulates guarantee confidentiality? Seems to me this information may not be too secure and could lead to eventual identity theft and other problems. Worse, US laws would not apply to Mexican consulate in the event of stolen or misfiled information. Do you have any suggestions as to preventing fraud, etc? What can I do to prevent the information from being used for purposes other than temporary visa application process?

    • Mariana Lange says

      People often times black out account numbers and the address of the account holder.
      But you’ll have to trust that the Mexican Consulates are not there to steal your information

  18. Jon says

    Hello, Marianna if you work remotely for companies outside of Mexico, do you need to apply for a temporary visa with work authorization? Also, do you know if the consulates accept the $51 fee payment in cash, check our credit card?


    • Mariana Lange says

      You don’t need work authorization in Mexico unless you plan to earn a living in Mexico from a Mexican source or company. That includes selling goods, consulting, real estate etc in Mexico.
      All consulates take the $51 payment by card

      • Jeff Daley says

        Interesting enough, in Seattle the consulate requests cash payment.

  19. Lee says

    In Cozumel they said after your first year of temporary residency you can only get one more year at a time. Is there anything that can be shown to get 2 or 3 years and not one year.

  20. Jason says

    can an 18 year old be considered a dependent in order for the entire family to get temporary residency? What is the age cut off?

    Thank you!

    • Mariana Lange says

      At 18 years of age, you are considered an adult in Mexico. And at that point they are no longer a dependent for residency visas. They would have to qualify on their own requirements.

  21. Maryna says

    Dear Mariana,

    You wrote that during the transition from temporary residency to permanent residency (after being 4 years a temporary resident) person pays $1702MXN. Is this all, or is this in addition to $6,495MXN for the permanent residency?
    Thank you very much!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Your cost from temporary to permanent after 4 years is only $1702

  22. Ahmed says

    I got tourist visa and stamped on the passport (Jordanian citizen who residing on Saudi Arabia), is there any way to change it to temporary residency card from Mexico after entering the Mexico?

  23. Jennie says

    1.My husband and I plan to relocate to Mexico within the next 18 months. I am retired (over retirement age) and have the required Social Security Administration document, and required assets to apply for permanent residency (per the website of a nearby consulate). He is younger than I am, and is still working. He does not have the assets to qualify for residency. He will retire when we move to Mexico.

    It is unclear if we need two applications (I assume so because these are individual visas). Although there is a fair amount of information on the consulate website, there is no information pertaining to married couples and the combined financial requirements.

    2. The amounts listed on the McAllen, TX consulate do not match the amounts you have provided. The amounts listed for temporary and permanent residency are lower on their website. Am I safe to assume their website is outdated?

    Many thanks!

    • Mariana Lange says

      As long as you qualify for residency, you can petition your spouse to join you and become a resident of Mexico without him needing to prove economic solvency. This is done in Mexico once you obtain your residency card.
      The information on the consulate websites tends to not be updated regularly. The information on our site is listed there only if the consulates directly sent us the income requirements and we can verify it with the consulate directly.

  24. Sylvia Del Carmen Zapata Vargas says

    Hola…soy chilena, mi pareja es mexicano….he venido a México 3 veces como turista y a los 6 meses debo salir del país. Quisiera la residencia en México. ¿Cómo hago ? Estamos en Guadalajara. ( Contraté 1 abogado en Guadalajara quién haría mis trámites pero no he tenido noticia alguna ). Espero su respuesta y muchas gracias.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola! Si estan casados, puedes aplicar como su esposa para la residencia temporal por vinculo familiar. Si no están casados, y has entrado a Mexico como extranjera antes del 2022, entonces podrias aplicar para el programa de Registro Nacional de Extranjeros (RNE) que te permite sacar una residencia temporal de 4 años sin tener que salir del pais. Si gustas ayuda con los pasos para el processo de vinculo familiar o el proceso de RNE, te recomiendo hablar con un gestor experto/a. Si gustas nuestras recomendaciones, cuando compres nuestra guia te dames un directorio de nuestros contactos recomendados expertos en estos temas. Encuentra mas informacion aqui

      Un saludo!

  25. Vikram says

    Hi Mariana…this is very helpful information on your channel.

    My wife and I are planning to look at Temporary / Permanent Residency in Mexico. She is an American citizen and I am an Indian citizen. Would you know how the process will work for us? Can she apply at The US Consulate and I can join her as her dependent? Or would we both need to apply separately at the Mexican consulates in The US & India? FYI – both us meet the income solvency requirements.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola! If you have a residency visa in the USA, you can both apply at a Mexican consulate in the U.S.
      Otherwise, my advice would be for her to apply in the U.S. and then you travel to Mexico as a tourist with your marriage certificate apostilled. Once your wife obtains her Mexican residency card, she can petition you as her spouse. You’ll need to have your documents officially translated in Mexico- so I recommend hiring a local immigration facilitator to help you with the whole process. If you’d like our recommendations, check out our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. In the guide, we give you the steps for obtaining residency and you also get instant access to our directory of vetted immigration facilitators. When you buy the guide, you get instant access to all the material.


      • Cindy S says

        Hi – this doesn’t really answer my questions. I am in Canada – I gave birth to Mexican children in Mexico – we have been living in Canada for 20 years as we moved here when kids were little. My ex husband moved back to Mexico with my son – so I am wanting Mexican residency so I can live near my son. I am planning to go to Mexico and apply there – if I receive my permanent residency card can I return to Canada with it to finalize my house sale etc… Can I basically “start” my residency months after actually receiving residency?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Hola Cindy! You can travel to Mexico and start the process for your permanent residency, but you cannot leave until you have your card in hand. Usually the process is done in a few days though. Then you can leave and you are not obligated to come back to Mexico. You can travel back and forth as you’d like.
          The process is a bit complicated so we recommend hiring a good immigration facilitator. If you’d like our vetted recommendations check out our Complete Mexico Relocation Guide-

  26. Mike Helms says

    If I obtain a permanent residency how long do I have to actually move to Mexico?

  27. Jacqui Coryell says

    Mariana, I’m applying for Permanent Residency. Can you please clarify: can I provide print outs of my Vanguard investment accounts, or do I need Vanguard to send me “originals” and stamp them in some way (like the bank statements)? TYIA, Jacqui

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola- in most cases the printed statements will suffice. However not all consulates operate the same so the requirements come to the consulate level and depend where you are applying. If you need clarification we suggest asking the consulate where you plan to apply exactly what they need

  28. Brenda A Hennigan says

    Unfortunately I was not aware that I needed to show my PR card when entering the country. I received PR in 2023 and traveled to Mexico twice in 2024, once in January and once in February, it is clear that at least the January entry was a tourist visa for 180, February is not clear (no days). I found out today that this could be cause to revoke my residency. I’ll be returning to Mexico next week. How should I proceed?

  29. Katie says

    Hola Mariana,

    I am looking to get my temporary residency through my husband who is a Mexican National (he was born in Mexico) who lives in Mexico and cannot come to the US. From what I have read, in order to start the process here in the US, my husband would have to accompany me. Since that is not possible, how do we go about this? Can we do this all from within Mexico and if so where/how would we do this in Tijuana?

    Thank you for your time!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Katie
      You would need to apply at your local INM, and bring an apostille of your marriage certificate (if you were married outside of Mexico) and it needs to be translated by a perito traductor in that state.
      If you would like help with the process, we have a great recommendation that can help you in Tijuana. To get access to our directory of contacts, you would first have to purchase our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide
      The guide also includes a lot of information for your move to Mexico. see what’s included

  30. Kolade Oni says

    I want to relocate to Mexico from Nigeria.
    I want permanent Residence Visa.
    It’s possible ?

  31. Tamara Wheeler Farley says

    Hello. I have a question that I haven’t been able to find an answer to online. I innerstand I’m able to apply for temporary residency and once approve can include my spouse and our three boys, but my oldest who is now 17 will be older at the time I apply. And although I’ve read that he too will need to apply, he’s currently in his freshman year of college and does not make the monthly income requirement. We are looking forward to this move together as a family, and so can you reply and let me know the correct process or requirements that my oldest son will need so that we’re able to move together? This will be so greatly appreciated and mucho mucho blessing to you for your patience and all of your time. The services and guides you have available along with the information that you have researched, gathered and shared is tremendously above and beyond and just moves mountains for me. Thank you, truly.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola Tamara- in some cases and with proof- you can petition your son after the age of 18 if you are able to demonstrate he is going to college and you are his only economic support.

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