Residency in Mexico Financial Requirements By Consulate

Here are some updates on the Mexico residency visa income requirements.

Each Mexican Consulate Has Its Own Requirements

Perhaps one of the most frustrating parts of the residency process in Mexico is that every Mexican Consulate has its way of doing things.

Some Mexican Consulates want you to book your initial appointment by email. At the same time, others may only accept appointments through Mexitel.

In addition, every Mexican Consulate seems to have its own residency requirements for financial solvency. It’s hard to keep up with and sometimes impossible to find this information. And it’s hard to give you a blanket answer for how much income you’ll need to qualify for the Mexico Residency Requirements.

Learn How to Move to Mexico and Have a Better Life for Less! Check out our Complete Mexico Relocation Guide.

So here is my research, and I want to share it with you!

The following information is broken up by city and the amount needed for Temporary Residency through monthly income or savings.

The right two columns highlight Permanent Residency through monthly income or Permanent Residency through savings. N/A means I don’t have their information, or they have not responded to me.

You only need to prove one, not both. Income requirements are NET- or after taxes. However, the consulates ultimately look at your balances from your bank statements. All income requirements are listed in USD unless noted otherwise. All numbers have been rounded up to the nearest dollar.

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Mexico Residency Requirements By Consulate

If the section for a specific consulate is not on this list, I do not have their requirements at the moment😉 It doesn’t mean they do not take applications. Some of these amounts can vary on the date of your appointment depending on the exchange rates.

CITY Temporary Residency
6 Months Income
Temporary Residency
12 Months Savings/Investments
Permanent Residency
6 Months Income
Permanent Residency
12 Months Savings/Investments
Atlanta 2025$4,182$69,700$6,970$278,800
Austin 2025$4,182$69,700$6,970$278,000
Boise 2025$4,400$73,300$7,300$293,400
Boston 2025$4,200$70,000$7,000$279,000
Brownsville 2025$4,020$66,960$6,700$268,000
Calexico 2025$4,078$67,967$6,797$271,868
Chicago 2025$4,294$71,572$7,157$286.291
Dallas 2025$4,214No info yet
Del Rio 2025$4,020$66,960$6,700$268,000
Denver 2025$4,319$75,000$6,531$300,000
Douglas 2025$3,734$62,233
Houston 2025$4,394$73,235$7,324$292,941
Kansas City 2025$4,182$69,700$6,970$278,800
Las Vegas 2025$4,084$68,066$6,806$272,270
Little Rock$4,400$73,100No info yet
McAllen 2025$4,111$68,501$6,850$274,005
Miami 2025$4,049$67,480$6,748$269,921
Milwaukee 2025$4,182$69,700$6,970$278,800
Nogales 2025$4,120$68,370$6,970$278,800
New Brunswick 2025$4,200$70,000$6,950$280,000
New York 2025 $4,200$70,000$7,100$280,000
Omaha 2025$4,049$67,480$6,748$269,921
Philadelphia 2025$4,422$74,000$7,369$294,766
Phoenix 2025$4,321$72,016$7,202$288,062
Portland 2025$73,647$7,324$292,941
Presidio 2025$4,393$73,215$7,321$292,859
Raleigh 2025$7,323$292,941
Sacramento $4,393$73,215$7,321$292,859
Salt Lake City$4,392$73,000$7,300$292,859
San Diego 2025$4,025$67,084$6,708$272,000
San Francisco 2025$4,081$68,015$6,800$249,119
St. Paul 2025$4,410$69,450$7,350$367,650
Tucson 2025$4,078$67,967$6,797$271,868
Washington DC$4,300$73,000$7,300$280,000
Yuma 2025$3,900$62,500$6,400$249,500
Calgary 2025$6,160 CAD$102,671 CAD$10,289 CAD$411,565 CAD
Montreal 2025$6,160 CAD$102,671 CAD$10,672 CAD$410,685 CAD
Ottowa 2025$6,173 CAD$102,891 CAD$10,289 CAD$411,565 CAD
Toronto 2025$6,173 CAD$102,891 CAD$11,525 CAD$460,955 CAD
Vancouver 2025$6,173 CAD$102,891 CAD $10,289 CAD$411,565 CAD
Barcelona 2025€4,036€67,300€6,730€269,113
UK 2025£3,418£56,967£5,697£227,866
Frankfurt 2025€2,478€67,400€6,634 €265.375
Please consider that these numbers can vary slightly based on current exchange rates. © 2025 Mexico Relocation Guide LLC. All rights reserved. All content and services featured on Mexico Relocation Guide are managed and advertised directly by their respective owners. All text, images, videos, and website design are copyright © Mexico Relocation Guide. Reproduction, distribution, or use of any content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited and subject to U.S. and Mexican copyright laws. Any use of Mexico Relocation Guide content to contact advertisers for unsolicited marketing or promotional offers is expressly forbidden.

Temporary & Permanent Residency Requirements

Each consulate is supposed to use the same formulas, which I share with you below. However, all consulates have a level of autonomy and may have discrepancies in their requirements either because they don’t use the same exchange rates because of the current minimum wage in Mexico or something else.

These are based on a 2025 minimum wage of $278.80 and an exchange rate of 20 MXN to 1 USD.

Solvency Requirements for Mexican Temporary Residency

For temporary residency, the following formula is used, and we have an approximate amount in USD based on an exchange rate of 20 MXN to 1 USD.

Monthly Income Requirement
  • Formula: 300 x daily minimum wage
  • Total in USD: Approximately $4,083 + USD per month
Savings Requirement
  • Formula: 5,000 x daily minimum wage
  • Total in USD: Approximately $68,066 USD

Solvency Requirements for Mexican Permanent Residency

For permanent residency in Mexico, the economic solvency requirements are typically higher. Using a daily minimum wage of 278.80 MXN and an exchange rate of 20 MXN/ 1 USD, here are the updated totals:

Monthly Income Requirement
  • Formula: 500 x daily minimum wage
  • Total in USD: Approximately $6,806 + USD per month
Savings Requirement
  • Formula: 20,000 x daily minimum wage
  • Total in USD: Approximately $272,270 + USD

The income requirements vary by consulate and are NET (after taxes).

Discrepancies Between Consulates

It is also important that you keep in mind that the numbers on the table were given to me by the consulates as of 2025

While we update this page consistently, it is still your responsibility to check with your local consulate for accurate requirements because sometimes consulates change their requirements mid-year, or if the exchange rates fluctuate, they might also affect the income requirements.

For spouses- the average amount needed each month is approximately USD $500- $1,300. Depending on the consulate. Every consulate operates differently. For example, most consulates want you to be over 60 or draw a pension or social security to grant you permanent residency.

Another nuance is some consulates require a letter from your employer stating you will continue working in Mexico while you live in Mexico. In essence guaranteeing them you will continue to have an income while you live in Mexico.

Don’t qualify for Residency in Mexico through economic solvency? Find out if you qualify for the special regularization program (RNE).

In most cases, these amounts are only for the main applicant.

If you’re a couple applying together, you’ll need proof of monthly income of $500-$1,300 USD to qualify. This also varies by consulate.

Some consulates will want each applicant to qualify individually. If you cannot qualify individually and are legally married, don’t worry! If one of you qualifies, you can petition for spouses and other family members without having to prove economic solvency.

It’s important to know that these economic solvency requirements tend to increase every year if the minimum wage in Mexico has increased.

Other Considerations For Residency in Mexico

Another thing you should keep in mind is that my table doesn’t include qualifying for residency through Mexican homeownership.

It’s another way to obtain a Temporary Residency if you can prove to a Mexican Consulate that your property in Mexico is worth at least ~$587,000 USD or 40,000 days times the minimum wage in Mexico ($278.80 MXN daily in 2025).

But I didn’t include it because, in my experience, only a couple of Mexican consulates accept this as the sole way of qualifying for residency in Mexico.

This entire process is explained in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. I highly recommend it to save you hundreds of hours of research to figure out the most important pieces of your move to Mexico.

How I Gathered This Info

I’ve contacted a variety of Mexican Consulates and have also combed a lot of Mexican Consulate websites. I either emailed them or called them.

I added them to this chart if they replied to me via email with their Mexico residency requirements. If they shared that information over the phone, I added it to this chart. And if the income requirements were updated on their site, I added them to this chart.

To help you determine if you are eligible for residency, these are some of the top consulates for which I have gotten income information.

Also, keep in mind that these income requirements change every year. These are the income requirements for 2025. If you qualify for residency today but might not qualify next year, I encourage you to start your residency process sooner rather than later.


Special Residency Program WITHOUT Economic Solvency

If you do not qualify based on economic solvency, the government does have a temporary program for those who have visited Mexico in the past. You can get a 4-year temporary residency without having to provide economic solvency. After 4 years, you can then apply for permanent residency without having to provide financials either.

Find out if you qualify and learn more about the RNE Program, also known as the Mexican Regularization Program

If You Need An Immigration Facilitator

If you need an immigration facilitator recommendation, please check out our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide.

In the online guide, you get a step-by-step plan to help you process your residency on your own, along with tips to help you avoid mistakes.

However, we know Mexican bureaucracy is hard to navigate on your own. And you may need additional help.

So, to help you even further, you also get our directory of recommended and vetted immigration contacts throughout Mexico. Some of them can help you make your consulate appointment for you. Some of them help you with the regularization program. And all of them can help you with the 2nd part of the process in Mexico, renewals, family unification, and change of address.

Immigration Fees

The fees for obtaining a residency visa at a Mexican Consulate will vary depending on which country you are living in. For 2025, the U.S. Fee is $54 USD, and the Canadian fee is $80 CAD.

When you finish your residency visa process in Mexico, there are additional fees you have to consider. Get the latest list of immigration fees in Mexico. The fees also change every year, and we update this page and all of our publications to reflect them.

We Need YOUR Help

If you have been in touch with a Mexican Consulate that has given you their income requirements for 2025 and that consulate is not on this list, please share that information with us.

But please remember I can only publish that information if you forward the actual email from the consulate. Hearsay is not reliable enough.

Thank you/Gracias!

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and moved to the U.S. when she was a child. Every year she would split her time between life in the U.S. and Mexico- which gave her a deep understanding about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English. Since 2019, our blog posts, resources, videos, and COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Online Guide have helped thousands move to Mexico the right way!

Reader Interactions


  1. Karen Parks says

    Do the new income requirements for residency apply to everyone or are there different requirements for retired people and younger people who have not reached the retirement age?

    Thank you!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Great question. They apply to everyone regardless of age

      • Dona says

        I am 77 years old. My Social Security is $2,272/month what kind of residency am I eligible for?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Hi Dona. Please read the article. I have explained the two types of residency options and the income requirements for each. 😁

          • Renee Leblond says

            Hello…. A 70 years old Canadian can apply permanent??? or is there a specific Visa for seniors?

          • Mariana Lange says

            You can apply for permanent residency if you meet the income requirements and you are retired.

      • Neisha White says

        So, if I am 40 years old and I have the required amount of cash ($208,000) in my banking account for the past 12 months, I can apply for permanent residency in Mexico? Because I’m younger than 60 years old, I will not be required to have additional funds?

        • Mariana Lange says

          You can apply for permanent residency, but there’s a possibility because of your age that you will get temporary

          • Peter Duval says

            Thanks for great info: 2 questions

            #1 I think I meet financial requirement for permanent residency but am afraid the consulate I am planning to apply to (Miami) will not allow me to get permanent residency because I am in my mid 40s and financial requirement planning to be used is monthly income, not saving amount. Any consulate you know that does not require us to be retired to be considered for permanent residency?

            #2 I read online yesterday that people who become Mexican citizens through naturalisations lose it if, in any 5 year period, they live abroad. Is that rule being applied or it is in the law but not being practiced?

            Thanks in advance

      • Aidan C Galyen says

        I’m in California. Can I apply at any consulate in the state or am I required to apply in the consulate in my city of residence? I’m in Sacramento and would like to apply in San Francisco. Big difference between the two in requirements.

        • Mariana Lange says

          Depends on each Consulate- some require you to live in the local area and will ask for proof of address. You can check with your local consulate on what their requirements are for this particular question under the visa section of their website. Google “Mexican Consulate and Name of City”

          • Carla says

            Hi, would someone living in NYC be able to apply through the consulate in Raleigh? My partner doesn’t make enough to meet the NY financial requirements for the 6 month income financial solvency but I refuse to leave her behind. I’d marry her and bring her as a dependent or something, but Mexico doesn’t recognize gay marriage

          • Mariana Lange says

            You can absolutely petition your spouse in Mexico, if you are a same sex marriage.
            If you would like help with the process, we outline the steps in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. And we also give you instant access to our directory of vetted contacts across Mexico that can help you one on one.

        • Darice Trafton says

          I’d be interested in this as well, since I also live in Sacramento. It’s interesting how the different consulates have different income requirements.

      • Amanda Chester says

        Question? I didn’t see Atlanta, GA information. Is this location not requiring income?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Yes, all consulates require income. In the article I explain why some consulates are not posted and what to expect for those.

    • John says

      Hi Mariana, are the incomes in the chart gross or net income?

      • Mariana Lange says

        all are net income

  2. Patti Howes says

    Hi Mariana! Thank you for for all the helpful information about Mexico you share with us about relocating to Mexico.
    With a temporary visa, do you have to re qualify financially when you renew every year?
    What is required to convert from temporary to permanent residency-is it pretty straightforward?
    We are planning a scouting trip for March, is there any benefit to applying for temporary residency before we go, or will the 6 months tourist visa suffice?
    Gracias in advance for your reply!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Patti!
      My pleasure.

      -No- once you become a temporary resident you don’t have to show financials again to renew.
      -All the information on converting from temporary to permanent residency is laid out in an easy to follow plan in our Mexico Relocation Guide
      Including contact information for our recommended immigration facilitators around Mexico.
      -You can absolutely get your residency at the same time as your scouting trip. Our relocation tours are a great solution for you


    • Bob Travis says

      Is there a maximum number of days between step 1 (consulates approval) and starting step 2 in Mexico for residency? How early can step one be completed before traveling to Mexico?

      • Mariana Lange says

        Once you are pre-approved by the Mexican consulate, you can start the 2nd part of the process in Mexico (known as Canje) right away.
        You do have up to 180 days from when you are pre-approved to start the 2nd part of the process in Mexico.

      • Johnny Willis says

        Everyone talks about money in your savings, what if your money is in a checking account but still meets the dollar amount requrements. Also I have heard your Bank Account name must match with your Passport. In my Passport my name appears as Willis, Johnny Ray. My Bank Account name appears as Johnny R. Willis.

        Thank you

        • Mariana Lange says

          Your name should be find as long as the R matches your middle name which it seems it does
          If money is in your checking account it is fine. It doesn’t have to be a SAVINGS account

          • Morgan says

            What about if my $60K is in a couple of different bank accounts and a separate brokerage account? Is this acceptable? My name is on all.



          • Mariana Lange says

            Yes if you are the owner of all bank accounts and the cumulative amount is enough for you to receive residency, you should qualify.
            Remember that some consulates also want each bank statement to be signed by a bank representative or can also be signed by your accountant, or financial planner. To verify it’s authenticity.

  3. Ronald Greene says

    I sent an email to the
    CONSULADO GENERAL DE MÉXICO EN LOS ÁNGELES requesting the amount in U.S. dollars I would need to qualify for both temporary and permanent residency in Mexico. I sent the email around the second week of December 2021. Just before Christmas I received a reply, but the reply did not give me any information on the amount of income that I would to prove. The reply only stated that I would have to get an appointment at the consulate, after January 1st, 2022. I sent an additional email, again requesting information on the dollar amount to I would need satisfy the solvency requirement. The income information was not listed on their website. Is this common?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yes. Very common.

      Things are changing very quickly within immigration and that includes the consulates. So sometimes you will get an answer, sometimes you will not. And sometimes you will get one answer, and then a different employee might give you a different answer.

      The last email I received from the Los Angeles Consulate stated I need the following income requirements
      USA Bank Statements with a minimum monthly ending balance of $42,500.00 USD of the last 12 months (One document per every single month (JAN 2021-JAN 2022); or

      Fideicomiso in original and current appraisal under ONLY applicant name with a value of $6,914,800.00 Pesos


      Proof of USA pension with a minimum monthly income of $2,600.00 USD of the last 6 months (One document per every single month)
      Note: If you receive a pension we need the SS benefit letter and the bank statements of the last six months where the deposit is shown under your correct name

      • Steve Wille says

        Mariana, thank you for your wonderful work in this area. My question is how do I calculate the minimum income requirement for me and my wife, claiming her as a dependent?

        One other probably stupid one. “Income in the last 12 months” Can that include income made while still in the States with a full time job, even if your intention is to quit that job and retire in Mexico, not working. Example: I’ve been in Mexico 1 month on a tourist visa and I apply for temporary resident and it asks for 12 months back income. My only possible response is to include my current pre- retirement income, which is much greater than we plan to receive in Mexico (about $2200 after tax in social security.)

        Steve Wille

        • Ruth says

          Yes: that’s exactly what my husband did.

        • Don in Fort Myers says

          Hello Mariana,

          Just got back from Playa del Carmen and looked at condos and loved it! Miami consulate is asking me for a VOE from my employer for temporary residency which is fine, but they are asking that the letter states that I intend to work in Mexico, which I do not intent to do now. Is that a requirement of temporary residency that I live there and work now? My employer will give the VOE and I make plenty to prove income needed but they will not put that I will work there while employed. Is this an issue, or is it just Miami asking for this?

          Our actual plans are to purchase a small condo there, pay it off in the next couple years and then move permanently. We want to start working on citizenship now if possible.

          • Mariana Lange says

            Most consulates asking for a VOE will want the letter to say you plan to work in Mexico after moving here. Even if you don’t plan to do so.
            The consulates want to ensure you have a way to support yourself living in Mexico. If you don’t plan to work for that employer after moving to Mexico, I would not volunteer that information with the consulate. It’s not illegal for you to no longer be working for that employer once you are approved. It’s just a stipulation that some consulates have created to ensure that people will have an income when they move to Mexico.

            If you are going to have your own means to support your lifestyle there but that is not how you are applying for residency, I wouldn’t tell the consulate you aren’t going to work afterwards. One thing is what consulates ask for and another is what is written in the Mexican immigration constitution. The consulates have some level of autonomy and can crearte they’re own requirements.

            That’s my two cents

  4. phil bates says

    can you email me your list of hotels with mailing address and phone # for your trip to lake chapala i would like to look into them thank you phil

    • David Mackenzie says

      I am a 75 year old Canadian Pensioner. Are the financial requirements for Mexican Residential Visas different for pensioners?

      • Mariana Lange says

        Unfortunately no David. Income requirements are the same regardless of pensioned, retired, or not.

  5. Scott Somley says

    Is every consulates monthly requirement different as previous????

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Scott
      Yes- every Mexican Consulate may have a slightly different income requirement than the one I published. Unfortunately, every Mexican Consulate abroad tends to operate a bit independently.


  6. kaley says

    Hola! Can my adult partner count as my dependent? Grasias!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yes- but You would have to be legally married. Talk to an immigration facilitator for specifics on your situation


  7. Kathy Franklin says

    Does my house in Tennessee, fully paid for, count as an investment? I have $80,000 in savings before the sale of my house just before i sell It to come to live with my sister in Celestún. My monthly pension is $2484 per month. I want to be a permanent resident. I hope my house which will be sold for $350,000 counts as an investment

    • Mariana Lange says

      Your $80k in savings should be enough for temporary residency assuming you have at least that balance for the last 12 months

      • Triana says

        Does a house that is paid in full count as an investment, that can be used toward the PERMANENT residency total amount? (I am the owner of the house currently and no money is owed on it.) I have a lien release and an assessor’s valuation of the house.

  8. Barry P Grant says

    Hi Mariana…my wife (a Mexican citizen and married in Mexico) and I have lived in the US for the last 25 years… we are thinking about retiring to Mexico in the next 2-5 years… are the requirements for me to gain residency any less cumbersome (we would meet the income requirements) and how easy/difficult might it be for us to purchase a home?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Barry!
      Great question. good news, because your wife is a Mexican National you do not need to provide financials and you can start the process in Mexico. You also immediately get temp residency for 2 years and are then eligible for permanent residency.

      If you want to hire a facilitator to help you through the process we have a directory of immigration facilitators in our Mexico Relocation Guide

  9. Catherine Laramee says

    Are the income requirements per person, or are they the requirements for a married couple? And savings as well?

  10. adriano siciliano says

    Hi there, My family and i are looking to relocate to mexico. so we are interested in getting our temporary residency. We currently live in Montreal Qc, Canada. And forsee ourselves moving to Playa del Carmen or Tulum area. We are looking for a immigration lawyer that can help us out with the whole process. Thanks

  11. C. Weinberger says

    Thanks for all of the great information.

    Quick question . . . my wife and I meet the savings requirements to apply for permanent residency, but, what can we do about getting a temporary residency permit for our 20 year old son? He is a full-time college student; so he doesn’t meet the monthly income requirement, and he hasn’t yet saved-up enough on his own to meet the temporary residency permit savings requirements?

    • Mariana Lange says

      He may be able to qualify as a dependent of yours- just depends on the consulate.
      If they allow it, you’ll likely need to prove an additional $1000 USD for your son

      If you need an immigration expert to help you, we have a directory of contacts in our online guide.

  12. Shealene says

    Hey Mariana

    How much did the solvency increase between 2021 and 2022 if at all. I’m planning on applying in 2023 and I need an idea of how much it could go up. I’m in Canada and at the moment it is 55,655 for temporary residency savings with an additional 1,115 for each dependant. Thanks so much

    • Mariana Lange says

      The solvency increased 22% from 2021 to 2022 because Mexico’s Minimum wage increased 22%. That’s the most it has ever increased, but sorry no one knows how much it will increase in 2023. Or if it will increase at all.

  13. Victor Fakunle says

    Hi Mariana,

    Thanks for the info. It was really insightful. My wife and I are expats living in Shanghai, China, and we intend to retire in Merida.

    Can we use our employment income to meet the benchmark for the Permanent Residency? Or must it be via a pension?

    Secondly, can you recommend an immigration lawyer to help with the process?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Victor.
      Glad the tips were helpful.
      You can use employment income- but it all depends on which Mexican Consulate you go to. Not sure about the Mexican Consulate requirements in your vicinity in China.
      Most Mexican Consulates in the USA will accept your employment income. And no you don’t have to be pensioned to be accepted. As long as you meet the financial requirements after taxes

  14. Tiffany Mccadney says

    I live in Texas and I have dependants…this mean I have to have $2600 for myself monthly and additional $2k for my dependents?

    • Mariana Lange says

      It fully depends on the consulate you go to. Not all consulates in Texas have the same requirements. You should consult with your local consulate.

  15. Jennifer says

    Thank you for such a helpful article! My senior aged mother lives with me, as does my 9 year old daughter. We are from the U.S. and interested in getting temporary residency in Mexico. Do I have to provide separate income for both myself and for my mother or can it be combined? Thank you!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Fully depends on the consulate. Although your child should have to prove her own income.
      If you’d like helP from one of our recommended immigration facilitators they are included in our Complete Mexico Relocation Guide

  16. laurie meier says

    Hi Mariana,
    Question: We meet the requirements for one of us (me or my spouse) to become a permanent resident in Mexico. Once one of us has permanent residency, is it easy for the spouse to enter mexico as a tourist and then apply as a spouse/family member while in mexico and not have to meet other financial requirements? and become permanent resident as well? cheers

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Laurie
      If one of you qualifies for residency, then yes your spouse could apply from within Mexico through family unification. The process can be a bit tedious since you need to prove your marriage in Mexico and know the steps to take with the current appointment system. That’s why we recommend working with an immigration facilitator. If you need a recommendation we offer them in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide

  17. Norman says

    Hi Mariana,
    My wife and I are hoping to divide time between the US and MX for the next few years before I retire. If I’m able to live in Mexico and work remotely for my US employer, can I use my salary and current savings to apply and receive permanent residency even though it will be 3 more years or so before we will move permanently? And, with permanent residency are there any requirements around how much time each year we must live in Mexico?

    • Mariana Lange says

      You will need to have an income to show financial solvency when you apply, so yes you can use your current income when you apply. Once you get approved, you won’t have to show or prove that you still have this same income.
      Also, when you move to Mexico you don’t need to remain in Mexico for a determined amount of time to keep your residency active. As long as you are here for renewal if you have a temporary residency. With permanent residency you’d never have to renew again so you can leave as many times as you want.

      • Robert Jones says

        Or show assets right? Not just income?

        It would seem to me that the thing to do would be to not wait the next 3 years before starting. Start the process now before the requirements go up, which everybody I talk with believes they will continue to do.

        Go thru all the hoops now, get your temp and work on your permanent during the next 3 years, then when it’s time to move to Mexico you will already have been a resident for 3 years. It won’t matter that you have not moved yet, as there is no requirement to live there during that time.

        Right Mariana?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Correct- after being a temporary residency for 4 years you can then apply to become a permanent resident without leaving Mexico.

    • Charles Weinberger says

      Many of the consulates require you to be fully retired before they will issue you PR. We are having issues because although I am fully retired, I am young for retirement (57 yo) and am not taking any Social Security benefits. Several of the consulates that I’ve contacted say that I must be able to “prove” that I’m retired, which is a difficult task as I’m not taking SS.

      • Mariana Lange says

        That’s okay Charles- if you don’t get permanent you can always get temporary. After 4 years you can apply for permanent.

        • Charles Weinberger says

          I’m just letting Norman know that he might face this issue.

      • Norman says

        Charles, that is what I keep seeing as well. PR requires pension or SS income. My savings and current salary exceed the requirements for PR, but I am not retired yet.

        I’m also concerned because my wife and I are both listed on several of our accounts, but not all. I’d like for she and I both to secure TR (or PR) during this visit. Should I expect issues?

        • Mariana Lange says

          If you qualify for permanente and aren’t pensioned if they require you to be, then they’ll give you temporary residency
          After 4 years you can apply for permanent residency in Mexico.

          • Norman says

            Thank you Mariana – one more question. As we are not yet retired, we will spend most of our time in the states until retirement when we plan still dividing time, but most of our time in Mexico. Does it make sense to go ahead and get our TR now? Or does our TR require us to have a permanent address in Mexico and spend a certain amount of time (or 100% of time) in Mexico?

          • Mariana Lange says

            You should absolutely secure residency now while you still qualify. You don’t have to live in Mexico full time to remain a resident. You just have to make sure you come back to renew it.

          • Sherry says

            2 questions:
            If my husband and I are retired. And get permanent residents. Do we have to pay US and Mexican income taxes on our pensions? Or should we get permanent visas. Are they the same thing?

          • Mariana Lange says

            Your pensions or social security benefits do not get taxed in Mexico. Regardless of which residency visa you have 😀

  18. Sharon Solieri says

    Hello…my husband and I seek Temporary Residency in Mexico. My income is $1800 per month. My husband gets $900 each month. We are both disabled. Do we meet the financial requirements for temporary residency in Mexico?

  19. John Abrams says

    I will be eligible for a retirement visa for sure. Can my adult son get a family unification visa after I get mine? Would there be an income requirement for him? Thank you.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Your adult son may have to qualify on his own because he is an adult. But there are exceptions depending on the consulate you work with.
      Talk to an immigration advisor. If you would like a recommendation, we offer them in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide

  20. Olivia Attal says

    Hello, thank you so much for this information! I have read that you need an original letter from your employer to justify your income, the thing is it’s my own company so can I make a letter for myself ? Then I have all the proof of the income on my bank account. Thanks a lot

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Olivia!
      Not every consulate requires a letter from your employer. This is on a per consulate basis.
      If they do require a letter from your employer, please reach out to the consulate and ask them what they will accept in lieu of not being traditionally employed but rather self-employed.
      In most cases, they will accept your bank statements as proof of having an income if you meet the income requirements.

      • Olivia Attal says

        Thanks a lot for your answer I will contact the consulate today !

  21. Megan G says

    We are considering relocating to Mexico and I can’t find information on this one detail. Our family that would be moving consists of myself, my husband, 2 of our children, and my mother. My husband and our children are Mexican citizens, how does this impact the immigration process for us?

    • Mariana Lange says

      If they are Mexican citizens you should apply for temporary residency at your nearest Mexican consulate with either your marriage certificate and their birth certificates.
      Although your mom will need to apply on her own through financial solvency

      • Megan G says

        Would it be possible for me to apply for permanent residency via family unity once we are in country, then apply for my mother via the same route once my application is granted?

        • Mariana Lange says

          Hi Megan
          You cannot apply for parents if you are over 18 and are married. Unless you can prove that your mom is under your care and might not be able to take care of herself.

          Another option is your mom may be able to apply on her own if she visited Mexico at least once between 2015-2020 without having to prove economic solvency.

          If you would like more information about the residency process- I have outlined a simple to follow step by step plan in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. And I also have the facilitators that can help you through the process.

  22. Sharon Solieri says

    My husband and I are disabled and we had to take SSDI earlier for income. Now it has become Social Security. Because of our past health challenges will the Counsel approve temporary residence for us even though we cannot meet the financial requirements. I have hospital records to prove my medical problems that are now resolving. I lived in Mexico and had a small shop. If my income is 1800 and husband has 900 monthly, could we get a hardship consideration? Thank you

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Sharon
      Sorry but the consulates don’t consider medical bills as a way to lower income requirements. BUT- the McAllen TX consulate only requires you to make $1725 USD NET a month to qualify and you can then petition for your spouse.

      • Tiffany Mccadney says

        Do you by any chance know the dependent income amount for McAllen TX (kids)

  23. Tiffany says

    I have my appt with McAllen TX Mexico consulate in Aug…I can’t find the income requirements for dependents… when they email me my appt time…I asked twice and was ignored. Tried calling no answer…it’s so frustrating. Anyone with kids know the income requirements for that location?

    • Robert Jones says

      The requirements in McAllen, financial and otherwise, are known to be the lowest and most flexible in the country. I can attest, as I just got my TR there a few days ago. The general financials are given on this page, tho as you say they don’t cover dependents, but I am asure those are low as well.

      The only city with lower requirements that I saw was Denver. And I don’t know how the other requirements would stack up against each other. Denver’s other requirements might be substantially stiffer.

      So you can’t go wrong with McAllen. They treated us like kings and made special allowances and arrangements for us that nobody has written about, from what I have seen. I would go back there in a flash.

      • Hugh says

        Robert: Thanks for the info. Can I still apply at the McAllen Consulate even If I live in Arkansas. Also do they accept the proceeds from the sale of your home as cash without waiting the one year.
        Thanks, Hugh

  24. John says

    Hi. Great info. My wife and I are looking to move to Mexico probably in 3 to 4 years. We meet the income requirements for permanent residency. The question is about dependents. Our adult children have expressed interest in going maybe not immediately but at some point. Could they apply under me if I am living on a Permanent visa or would they have to apply on their own and meet seperate income requirements? Thanks

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi John!
      If they are adults they cannot apply with you unless you are their caretaker

      They would have to qualify on their own. 😊


  25. Robert Pellegrini says

    Hi Mariana. Do I have to show balances strictly from bank accounts or can these be from the statements of taxable accounts (no 401k) at investment brokerages like Fidelity? That’s where my money is. And do these statements need to be signed and/or stamped by somebody at Fidelity? That wouldn’t be so easy. Thanks!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Robert
      Yes you can show financial solvency through investments. And whether or not they need to be signed by your bank depends on which Mexican consulate you apply at

  26. Susan Sidrane says

    Hello Mariana – I’m applying for a temporary resident visa at the McAllen Consulate. Among other required documents, I’ve got originals/copies of bank statements, pay slips and an original company letter stating my current employment status. My appointment is on December 16th and I’ve been waiting 6 weeks for this appointment. I just watched your video and heard you say a company letter needs to specifically say that my job will continue while I’m living in Mexico. Mine doesn’t. Mine does say, however, that my employment duration is ongoing, I have the ability to work remotely, and shows my income is 3 times their requirement. In your opinion, do you think my employment letter will be considered acceptable? I work for a large, nationwide company and it took me months to get my employment letter and I don’t want to lose my Consulate appointment. I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Thanks much, Mariana! Susan

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Susan
      That letter should suffice. But to be absolutely sure I would ask the consulate directly what the letter needs to say so you don’t waste your time and your valuable appointment

  27. DM says

    I have both Mexican and US citizenship living in the US. Do the requirements also apply to individuals in my situation?

  28. Chris Toth says

    Thank you for all the help you give. I am about to retire and plan on living in Mexico about half the time with my wife. My wifes mother is still alive, a Mexican citizen born in Mexico and has her birth certificate. Can my wife take her mother to a Consulate and get her citizenship and then, can I get my temporary residency leading to permanent? Does this take a long time, is it expensive? Thanks again!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Chris
      Yes, your wife can certainly get citizenship through her mother.
      The requirements vary by consulate.
      Please reach out to the consulate in your town to find out what their specific requirements are.

      If you or your wife would like help with your immigration process, we include the steps in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. But because we know Mexican bureaucracy is hard to navigate on your own, we also include our directory of immigration facilitators in Mexico.
      When you buy the guide, you get instant access to the easy-to-follow steps, and also our complete directory.
      Find out what’s included here

  29. Gary Davis says

    Any word on florida numbers ?

  30. Tony Roebuck says

    Hi Mariana, I’m a little confused with this chart. In the Savings column for Temporary Residence, do you need to show you have a total of $52,000 in savings, or $52,000 investment income per year.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Either savings or a brokerage investment account

      • Tony Roebuck says

        But is that $52K in investment INCOME per year or simply $52K total in a savings or investment account?

        • Mariana Lange says

          That is $52k balance in either a savings account or investment minimum for the last 12 months.

  31. EZ says

    Hola Mariana, thank you for your information about residency requirements for Mexico. You have saved us a lot of legwork.

    My question is, must one be retired to be considered for permanent residency even if they meet the economic requirements?

    I read somewhere not all US Mexican Consulates require “retired” status. Is that true? And if true, which US Mexican Consulates are those?

    Again, thank you for this valuable information.

    • Mariana Lange says

      My pleasure!

      • EZ says

        Oh, and about my question…

        Do you have to be retired to be considered for permanent residency even if you meet the economic requirements?


  32. Mary says

    Hi Mariana,

    The Income that you need to show for temporary residency, can that include income made while still in the States with a full time job, My husband and I are both still working currently and would like to apply for temporary residency and then in the future retired down there permanently.

    Thank you so much for your response.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Mary 😀
      Yes. It can be income from a job in the US. Some consulates may ask that you bring both bank statements and pay stubs. As well as a letter from your employer stating you will continue to work for them while living in Mexico

      It’s best to reach out to the consulate directly to verify their list of requirements close to the day you plan to have an appointment. Because if you check today but don’t plan to have your visit until August, things can change between now and then

  33. Jim says

    “For spouses- the average amount needed each month is approximately $1,060 USD”

    – What about extra amounts for the “savings” option?

    • Mariana Lange says

      It is the same for the savings amount in most cases. $1060 additional (not monthly)
      Although this varied from consulate to consulate. Some consulates will only allow one person to apply if you are applying by savings/investments. Some consulates only want investments or savings and each applicant has to make the minimum amount.
      And in some cases, they will approve you if your spouse makes the minimum amount on investments without you having to prove additional income.
      The requirements are all over the place.

  34. Lynne says

    Hola Mariana, I own 2 condos in Playa, and lived here for 2 years but only on 6 month visitor permits, does that help an application for permanent residency? I am Australian so I will need to find out the requirements from there.
    Also if I wish to hire you to help me, does that mean I need to live in Playa for the time it takes to process?
    Thanks so much for your useful information.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Lynne
      If you have been in Playa on a tourist FMM, and you are now in Playa you qualify for a special residency where you don’t have to leave Mexico and you also don’t need to prove financial solvency.
      To qualify you must have been in Mexico at least once between 2015-2021
      And currently be in Mexico on an FMM

      If you’d like to hire someone to help you get this special “regularizacion” I’d highly recommend it.
      The immigration fees for this temporary residency are around 15,000 MXN but you get a 4 year temporary residency instead of 1 year as most people get.
      If you decide to work with an immigration facilitator, they usually charge around $4000-10,000 MXN. Depending on who you hire.

      We don’t know how long this program will last, so I suggest you take advantage of it sooner than later if you meet the requirements.
      If you need a recommended immigration facilitator in Playa del Carmen who can help you out, we can connect you to our recommendations.
      When you purchase our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide you get instant access to our directory of contacts as well as a lot of important information about living in Mexico.

      Check out what’s included


  35. Robert Jones says

    When I applied at the San Jose consulate last year I was informed that my home’s value meant nothing in their computations and was totally disallowed. I lived in the SF Bay Area and my home was subsequently sold for $820,000. Yet it was not allowed to be part of the asset figurings. Nor are stocks that are still on the stock market.

    They turned me down.

    After the sale of the home minus mortgage and HELOC and sales fee expenses I had roughly $200,000 left, and when I applied a few months later at McAllen, I still had $180,000 left but they said it had only been in my account for 2 months and to be considered, it would have to have stayed at the $180K level for another 10 months to achieve the required 12 month average for permanente status. So I could have reapplied 10 months later and if the requirements had not changed I would have gotten my permanente.

    But they did offer me temporal, which I accepted, and they also found a way to get my domestic partner included for her temporal as well. So I am not unhappy about the outcome at all! I can wait for the permanente just fine.

    But I have been trying to find the answer to this question and cannot find it anywhere: is owned real estate allowed to be included on asset figurings at all? Or are only liquid assets allowed?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Only Mexican real estate is considered when applying at a Mexican consulate overseas.
      And depending on the consulate stocks are allowed. However, this varies by consulate and by the type of brokerage accounts.
      Most consulates want liquid cash in the bank to show you have liquid assets

  36. George says

    Hi Mariana,
    On the McAllen consulate website for Temporary Resident visa it says to provide last 12 months of bank statements; last 12 months of pay stubs; and employment letter. Does this mean a person can choose which to provide or are all needed?
    Also in your video it says 6 months pay stubs are needed. Has the McAllen website not been updated?
    Thank you.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Some consulates need 12 months so I would bring 12 months if that’s what their website says
      Bring both employment letter and pay stubs

  37. Lara Convery says

    Thanks for this helpful article!!! Does my tax statement work as proof of income?? Or do they require bank statement?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Bank statements are usually what they require.

      • Christina McIntosh says

        Hi Mariana.
        I enjoy your YouTube videos and have learned so much.
        I’m married and in US. I’ve been researching everything relocating to MX. I just got back from a month stay in Jalisco. I was hoping it wasn’t what I expected but it exceeded all expectations. I’m in love.
        My question involves my husband who’s not in love (yet). He loves me and I’m pretty confident he will follow me. We are unsure if we will live full time but I know I will be living at least part time in Mexico. I plan to do this by end of 2023. I’m 60 but and 99.9% sure I’d qualify for temporal on my own but how would that work? Say, we own (non mortgaged) real estate valued at $600,000.00 US, can show at least $100,000.00US in savings over a year, have other savings. He gets SS. I Don’t and most of our assets in both our names. He lets me do what I want and knows I’m always right😉so he is aware of my plan but he’s slow moving and I have a hard deadline. How would the immigration office assess or unique situation?
        I’m not so sure you’re gonna touch this question but if by chance, you do, thank you in advance.


  38. Deborah says

    Hi Mariana, you provide an invaluable service. Thank you!
    I am 65, retired and can easily meet the permanent residency $$ requirements. My husband is 55 and retired and would be my dependent when I apply. Three questions:

    1. How much additional savings (roughly) would he have to show as he has no income from a job?
    2. We are buying land to build a house. Does it matter if the process is not complete before we buy the land? Can we transfer money to the US to pay for the land for example?
    3. Does timing on completing permanent residency steps make a difference later when we sell – on capital gains?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Deborah
      Thank you
      1- around $860 USD and up to $1000 USD extra. Depends on the consulate, though. Some consulates want each applicant to meet the minimum income requirements.
      2- I’d recommend buying after you have secured your residency visa. It would be a shame if for whatever reason you do not get approved that you then cannot permanently live in your home in Mexico. But if the timing is of essence and you buy the house before because it’s a better deal or because the exchange rate is better etc, it’s not a big deal as far as anything else other than having permission to live in Mexico. One advantage of owning with residency is the fact that if you sell your home you can use some of the expenses as losses and avoid capital gains tax. But that is only available to residents of Mexico.
      3. Yes it does. See my explanation above

  39. Ken Wamsley says

    How does a retired individual on SS qualify to relocate to Mexico or is that even an option?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Ken!
      The minimum income requirements to qualify for residency in Mexico are
      $2700 USD a month for the past 6 months
      $43,000 USD in savings/investments – and that balance for the past 12 months.

      Hope this helps!

  40. Lauren says

    My husband and I are in the process of purchasing a home in Mexico (currently located in USA). We have a daughter, age 18 who is still a dependent of ours who is coming with us. What is needed for her to obtain TR or PR? She is a legal adult, but still a dependent

  41. Cheryl Warner says

    Hi Mariana!

    SO much useful information! But I am confused on some conflicting information you’ve given:

    “You will need to have an income to show financial solvency when you apply, so yes you can use your current income when you apply. Once you get approved, you won’t have to show or prove that you still have this same income.”


    “I just watched your video and heard you say a company letter needs to specifically say that my job will continue while I’m living in Mexico.”

    I have been wondering about this as well, as I can’t find the info anywhere. My husband and I qualify individually with our current incomes. I also have close to $80K in a 401K. Our jobs are not ones that we can continue remotely. So do we have to prove that our incomes will continue with a company letter, or do we NOT have to prove that this income will continue?

    Thank you SO much for your great info!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola Cheryl!
      Some consulates will want you to have a letter from the company you work for stating that you will continue to have employment even after moving to Mexico. That’s for the initial consulate meeting.
      Once you move to Mexico, to do your Canje, you will no longer need to show your income verification letter or any financial solvency. In case you’re wondering what canje is

      So basically what I am trying to say is that when you apply for residency at a Mexican Consulate overseas, they will want to see that you are financially solvent, and that you will have an income when you move to Mexico. But once you cross the border, the immigration authorities on the other side do not ask for any income verification.

  42. Carolyn says

    Hola! I have an important question for you that is time sensitive. I believe I will qualify for the Temp Visa, and am leaving the US end of June (having an appt with Boston Mex Consulate to accomplish this). I meet the $ requirements for it.

    My home in the US is under contract, and is scheduled to close MAY 25. The large proceeds from the home will enable me to meet the PERMANENT VISA requirements, but I’d planned on having my financial guy invest these proceeds almost immediately in a secure bond vehicle. This will throw off income for me, but over $400k will remain invested. The plan was to apply for the PERM VISA after 12 months, so that I could prove the financial requirement. Here is the question: will a Consulate approve of this large $USD amount when it is invested? I will not be able to simply put it in a savings account because I’ll need the income to live in Queretaro. Help! I need to know what to do with this money very soon. And I thank you in advance for the answer.

  43. Christine Anderson says

    I just read an article that stated Mexico visa monthly income of $1400 required. Then there are higher amounts given in other articles. I read the Mexican MDW and UMA used when determining the monthly income requirements for both Visas. Why is the MDW used in the U.S. and the UMA used in Mexico? We are retirees and our monthly income is SS $2287 so we do not qualify in San Francisco, CA but would in Mexico.

    Can we travel to Mexico on the six month visa and then apply for a Temporary or Permanent Visa during our visit at a Mexican Consulate in Mexico. Or do we have to apply in the U.S.?

    We are very confused. Is there a way to retire in Mexico with our SS.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Unfortunately that article is completely inaccurate.
      Not sure where they got those income requirements from but I can guarantee you they are not up to date with 2023 requirements.
      The 2023 requirements vary by consulate- here is the most up to date information I have

      UMA is not used at Mexican Consulates unfortunately. They use a different formula.

      If you have savings, you could pay yourself a little more each month from your savings to make up the minimum difference after 6 months of paying yourself. The income minimum will vary by consulate.
      Otherwise, you may also qualify by using savings or investment accounts.

      Or if you simply don’t qualify this way you may also qualify through the special regularization program which is still being offered in some cities across Mexico. Find out if you qualify here

  44. MAI ALYSCHILD says

    Does the Phoenix AZ Mex Consulate consider Home Rental Income as qualifying Income for Residence Visa??

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi there
      All Mexican consulates consider your total income as long as it is deposited into a bank account. Those bank account statements are what Mexican consulates need as proof of income.

  45. Thea says

    Hi Mariana,

    Thank you for the useful information. Would you happen to know if Canadian Citizens can apply at some of the US consulates? Which ones? Could the income mentioned here be one’s regular income, or is it only online income that’s considered?

    Many thanks 😊

    • Mariana Lange says

      Most US Consulates will want you to have at least residency in the USA. However, you could try
      Las Vegas

  46. G.Green says

    When you receive a PERMANENTE Resident Visa is it truly Permanent? Can you leave the country and return at will provided you have a current US passport?

    What must you do to receive Mexican Citizenship?

    Thank you.

    • Mariana Lange says

      When you get a permanent residency it is truly permanent. Meaning you never have to renew it. And you can leave and return to Mexico as many times as you’d like. You also do not need to live in Mexico to remain a resident.

  47. Stephan Broburg says

    Hi Mariana – My wife and I are doing separate Permanent Residency applications. Most of our retirement assets are in Mutual Funds with T Rowe Price. TRP only issues investment statements every 90 days. Can we use 90 day statements at the Seattle Consulate or will they require monthly statements like a bank (getting a mutual funds monthly statement is impossible)? Also, we are both 66 and only one of us will start taking Social Security in 2024 while the other one waits until they are 70 to begin collecting the payout. Can we just explain that at the interview?

    • Mariana Lange says

      You can use your quarterly statements- but I would make sure I bring more than 1 years worth. Bring 1.5 years just to be sure you are over prepared. I would also make sure I bring my very latest statements in case you haven’t received them for this quarter by the time your appointment takes place.

  48. Wendy Lawrence says

    RE: Temporary Residency For Couples

    Hello Mariana,

    I see we would need USA Bank Statements with a minimum monthly ending balance of $42,500.00 USD, would this amount be per person and double for a married couple, or is $42,500 USD enough for a couple?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Fully depends on the consulate. Some consulates want each person to meet the minimum financial requirements. And some consulates only want the main applicant to meet the minimum financial requirements but ask that dependents bring $800-$1000 USD a month additionally to be eligible. Even if you do not have the financial requirements as a spouse, don’t worry. Once you are in Mexico, your spouse can petition you as a family member without having to prove any additional solvency requirements.

      If you need help with this process, I recommend hiring an immigration facilitator who is familiar with family unification. Toi get a list of my recommendations, check out our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide

  49. Stephan Broburg says

    Thanks Mariana. Any tips on getting an appointment at the Seattle Mexican Consulate? The auto response email says they will respond in 4 to 6 weeks. It has been 2+ weeks since that message. My wife and I need to get the visa sorted by early September which is coming up fast. I do have a phone number and extension for the visa department. I have been holding off trying the phone or personally showing up at the consulate to try and make an appointment.
    Any thoughts? Thanks – Stephan

  50. Sally Bastian says

    Hi Mariana, I currently have enough in an investment account to qualify for temporary residency. I would like it to be able to get a bank account in Mexico and in a year or two I hope to move to Mexico and want things ready. Also if I find I need to move up the date, I’d like to at least have temporary residency. Right now my elderly father in his 90s may need my help so I’m not sure how long at a stretch I’ll be in Mexico this year.

    I think to get the appointment and then to fill out the temporary residency form, it asks how long you will be in Mexico and what the dates will be. Is this necessary–to have exact dates of travel when I go for the interview? Do I need to say that I will be there longer than 6 months? I may be there for a month and later for a week and later for 6 weeks… But I would like to get the process started and be closer to permanent residency when I want that (so I thought it would be good to get temporary residency now)…

    Many thanks for your thoughts,

  51. laura says

    My online job doesn’t meet the income requirements but I have enough in savings for that requirement. Can you qualify based on savings alone?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Laura!
      Yes you can use your savings to qualify. Keep in mind you will need to prove you have held the minimum amount required in a savings account for at least a year

  52. Barb says

    I am retired and 68 years old. I do not meet the monthly salary requirements for either Temporary or Permanent Residency. I qualify for both residencies because I have enough money in savings but all my accounts are joint accounts (my mother is the 2nd name on the accounts.) Is this ok? Will the Mexican consulate accept bank statements in two names if only one of us is applying for residency?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Barb
      Most consulates will accept this as proof as long as your name appears on all bank statements.
      If they ask, just explain that your mother is an authorized user of the account. But they will want to know if your income is the one that is qualifying you for residency.

  53. Aspiring MX Resident says

    For permanent residency, how does one show “proof of retirement”, if one is under 60, is not drawing a pension or social security, is not actively employed or conducting business activities, but is living off investment income.

    • Mariana Lange says

      If you are not retired and are not collecting a pension or social security, chances are you will not get permanent residency. But the consulate has the last say.

  54. Nicole B says

    Hi Mariana. If we are self-employed and/or rely on something like real estate investment income with no steady “paychecks” or stubs but do meet the income requirements, could we get away with just showing historical bank statements?

    Also, I didn’t see much comparing Temp Residency to Permanent.


    • Mariana Lange says

      It depends on which consulate you apply in. They all have different requirements for proof of financial solvency. But in general, they will want to see your income come through to your bank and will want at least 6 months of bank statements to show you hold at least the minimum income requirements. In the blog post, I list a chart with requirements for temp and perm residency. If you’d like more info on residency here is a more in depth view

  55. Dana says

    Hi Mariana. Thank you so much for all of this amazing information. I am looking to get a temporary resident visa. I am a Canadian and the majority of my savings are held in investments, such as guaranteed investment certificates that can be cashed in if need be. About 50% of my savings are held and what is known as a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). This is a plan that in which the money can be accessed or liquidated, but there are tax implications. Do you know if this RRSP money would be considered by the consulate as part of my savings? Or would I need to show the savings requirements in an account that was fully liquid? Hopefully this makes sense!
    I do believe I also qualify under the monthly income stream. However, I am not sure what to do if they need an employment letter. My plan is to get the temporary resident visa and come back to Canada after finalizing it and continue to work for the next couple of years renewing my temporary resident visa after one year for a longer period.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer so many questions. I’m definitely going to invest in the Gude at some point in the near future. 🙂

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Dana! Yes. The Mexican consulates in Canada do consider RRSPs as proof of savings 🙂
      Also regarding your employement in Canada, the consulate will likely want you to remain employed to consider approving you for residency. So if you plan to leave that job, I would not volunteer that information to the consulate.

  56. Shenghao says

    Hi Mariana,

    I am a F1 student in US. The university pays me stipend so that I have the payroll. Comparing with the minimum requirement for the monthly income in consulate New Orleans, (at least $2795), my income is $2785, am I qualified for the temporary resident visa in this case? If so, what kind of document should I provide? The checking account statement, or the payslips from my university? Thank you for your suggestion!

  57. Pop says

    No numbers for the Orlando consulate? 😢

    Let me know if/when you have them and post them up on the website.


    • Mariana Lange says

      Like many things in Mexico, what is published on Mexican government sites isn’t always what is put in practice. Up to now no income requirements have been asked of all the applicants our recommended facilitators have helped with this process.

  58. Billy Verita says


    I’m wondering why Phoenix isn’t on the list this year? If I remember correctly, I think that Phoenix Arizona was one of the cheaper consulate options for proving financial solvency.

    Thank you


    Hi, I have a couple questions. Does anyone know if i need to bring my 11 year old daughter with me to my temporary visa appointment? Do i make a seperate appointment for her? Do i need to do a separate application?

    And just so I’m clear, I would need to have an extra $500 to 1300 USD for her to prove economic solvency?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yes, each applicant must come in person if you wish to process their residency visa on the same visit. Whether or not you need seperate appointments depends on the consulate you will apply in. They should have that information on their website under “Visas”
      And the extra income requirement per applicant also depends on the consulate.

  60. Tom says

    I am a 66 year old retired American citizen. However, I have been on Social Security Disability for 11 previous years for anxiety and depression. I also have criminal misdemeanors for DUIs. (3). The last one was 22 years ago.

    Will the Mexican government allow me to obtain residency in Mexico, assuming I meet the financial requirements?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Tom
      Your misdemeanors will not prevent you from obtaining a Mexican residency visa.
      Best of luck

  61. Hasan says

    A few questions (1) Residency requirements for both Permanent and Temporary Residency. If I am granted PR/TR and complete the canje process within 180 day, must I maintain physical presence in Mexico afterwards? For example, in both the US/Canada, one will lose PR/Greencard status if the person remains outside for too much long period? Due to my unique reasons, I cannot spend continuous time in Mexica and will stay in Canada on continuous basis.
    (2) Does Temporary Residence also make a person tax resident like get the social security number, open bank account, get tax ID? I invest big in US equities and they slap me with 30% withholding tax on my monthly dividend income. With Mexican residency, I will only pay 10% thanks to a tax treaty between the US and Mexico. This is my primary reason for securing Mexican residency. Secondary reason is to establish a small corporation in Mexico.
    I know you do not provide tax advice but please inform if this move will get the desired results and I can keep my PR residency until I retire in Canada. My only concern is Mexico will object to my continuous long term absence and my long stay out of Mexico and might end up losing my residency. Please give your expert opinion.
    (3) Once I retire in 18 years time, I shall definitely stay there permanently if it is not taken away

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola Hasan
      1- No. You don’t need to live in Mexico to remain a resident. You do however have to come back and renew your temporary residency visa in person (assuming you are a temporary resident) If you are a permanent resident, you never have to renew.
      2-Your dividend income is not subject to taxes in Mexico because that income isn’t generated in Mexico. You will have to pay your taxes in the USA. If you generate an income in Mexico, then you are subject to taxes in Mexico.
      If you’d like help from any of our professional contacts (Tax lawyers, Immigration Facilitators, Realtors, etc) check out our complete Mexico Relocation Guide


  62. KT says

    Hi! I’m just getting started with research. Thank you for sharing yours. I read in one of your articles that linked to this one that I can apply for residency now even if I don’t plan to make the move for years to come? Is that right? I can apply now if granted residency, I don’t have to reapply even if I don’t make the move for three years? Does the countdown to 4 years residency start from approval or time of move? 4 years is required before purchasing property?

    • Jack says

      Hello, can Canadian citizen apply the TR or PR to a Mexican consulate in the states? Should a US bank letter be provided or Canadian bank one in that case?

      • Mariana Lange says

        Canadians can apply for residency at various Mexican Consulates in the USA. It just depends on the consulate. We recommend looking into Boise, NYC, Orlando, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Presidio. They all allow out of state applicants.

  63. Fred Tomoi says

    Does my US employer need to make any new tax arrangements in order to pay me for remote work while living in Mexico on a temporary residence permit?
    I intend to also maintain a lease in my home state (the same state as my employer) and return to that state for several weeks each year. Or, can they just pay me into my US bank account as regular, and I remain a citizen of my home state for tax purposes?

    If indeed it would require no special action from my employer, is there anywhere I can obtain a letter or citation expressing this, so that I can show that my employer to make them more likely to say yes to my relocation request?

  64. Brandy says

    I don’t see the Mexican embassy in Washington DC on the list above. Do you have information about their solvency requirements?

    • Mariana Lange says

      If it isn’t on the list it’s because they didn’t respond to us. So I would assume they want the same as most the other consulates- starting at $4300 USD a month for temporary residency 😊

  65. E says

    Hi Mariana,

    GREAT resource!!

    1. I was told that for the income requirements (for Permanent Residency at least), the minimum $ amounts are *passive income* (not active). True?

    2. I live in South America and would like to apply from either the Mexican embassy in Brazil or Paraguay. I did not see any option to apply for PR through Brazil using the option of having ~US$300K in the bank. (I have Brazilian & US passports). Know if that is an option from MX consular services in South America?

    Thank you!

  66. Marilyn Johnson says

    Can you apply for temporary residence while in Mexico on a tourist visa? I cannot find any California consulate that appears to process temporary or permanent residency visas.

  67. darryl steven gordon says

    My brother applied for residency in Puerto Vallarta and needs $700,000 US in the bank. Why is it more expensive than in other cities in Mexico?

    • Mariana Lange says

      without specifics it would be hard to give you an answer.

  68. LaKendria says

    Is the $ amount per month of what we should be making in the states, or for the entire 6 months?

    • Mariana Lange says

      The amounts are all per month. For monthly income you will need bank statements for the past 6 months. For savings/investments you will need bank statements for the past 12 months.

  69. Lisa says

    There is a typo in your website. In the list of cities having MX consulates Ottowa should be spelled Ottawa. The second voyel is an A and not an O.

  70. Lisa says

    Hello Mariana,
    Thank you for your website.
    I am a senior in FL state and plan to apply this september for PR using economic solvency. I have 4 short questions.

    1. For PR residency visa I will provide economic solvency proof from the last 12 months of bank statements and IRA / ROTH investment statements. Is it better to show proof that is well beyond the minimum OR to show proof that exceeds a little the minimum is enough? I would not want to be denied the PR and given the TR.

    2. Do Orlando, Miami, and Raleigh accept IRA (and ROTH) statements for economic solvency investments? I have emailed each and have not gotten a response.

    3. Is it true that the Raleigh MX consulate only accept applicants that live and have bank accounts in NC? I have emailed them in English AND Spanish and got a non-related response (ie, copy / paste information from their website).

    4. If Raleigh accepts applicants from other states, is the Raleigh consulate better organized and more flexible than the Orlando consulate?

    Is it true that it is easier to go through the Orlando consulate rather than the Miami consulate? I have read that Miami only does communicate in Spanish and is not too flexible for PR visas. Already all forms for temporary and permanent residency visas are in Spanish only whereas Orlando provides them in both languages.

  71. Sara says

    I am applying for Mexico’s Temporary Resident Visa. Do they ONLY deduct taxes from gross pay to meet the economic solvency minimum? Or will they ALSO want me to deduct medical/401k/HSA/vision, etc. to qualify for the net pay minimum requirement?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Sara! The consulate will look at your bank statements. That is what matters. It matters how much money you have in your bank statements every month. But as a way to be over prepared in case they ask, I would also bring any pay stubs if you work for a regular company. If you are self employed, you should also bring any deposits made from clients, and/or any contracts that show you have a steady income.

  72. Darrell Carr says

    Who needs to verify the copies from the banking statements and investment statements? Any specific verbage needed?
    The letter to the Consulate General needs specific reason to apply, should I also include friendships with the many locals, the love of the culture and the strong family bonds?
    We have been going to Puerto Vallarta for winters for 11 years and would totally expect to retire there in the near future.
    Tried to get our temporary residency cards 5 years ago and gave up on it as the rules ,requirements and paper work seemed to change every week. Quite discouraging.
    So trying it one more time.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Darrell!
      I understand that Mexican bureaucracy can be challenging. That’s why I highly encourage you to hire a good immigration facilitator who can help you.
      If you need a recommendation, we have a list of vetted contacts across Mexico in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. See what’s included when you buy the guide here

  73. JIA YI says

    Hello! I am Chinese. I worked in Mexico from July 2022 to January 2024 and held a TR card at that time. But now they are all expired. In order to obtain a PR card, what should I do? Is there a legal way to obtain a PR card for me? Thank you! My salary income meets the requirements as mentioned above.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola Jia
      If you want help with your residency visa process, we include the steps in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. But because we know Mexican bureaucracy is hard to navigate on your own, we also include our directory of immigration facilitators in Mexico.
      When you buy the guide, you get instant access to the easy to follow steps, and also our complete directory.
      Find out what’s included here

  74. Pritom says

    I live in Florida. Can I apply to a consulate located in Louisiana or Texas?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Only if they allow out of state applicants. I believe the consulate in New Orleans does- however not all consulates in Texas allow it. Some do, like Del Rio

  75. Leslie says

    My temporary residency expired April 2024. I haven’t been able to get back to renew….when I come to Mexico again next month do I come as a tourist or do I present my expired card? I would like to renew.

  76. Jason Pacheco says

    Hello Mariana- thank you so much for sharing all of this wonderful information. I did want to give you information to add the Oklahoma City Mexican Consulate to your list, I just got this information from them today: To apply for a temporary residence visa with a “Deed of Trust” is has to have a value of at least $514,584, you can also apply by having an income from a pension or job of at least $3,860 every month for the last 6 months, or with bank investments of at least $64,323 every month for the last 12 months.

  77. Margaret Thrupp says

    We applied at Santa Ana and because we used the deed for our Mexican property which is a fideocomiso property, they denied us and blacklisted us becuase they don’t believe it is legal for foreigners to have properties like this. We were told to take the deed, but this actually prevented us being approved. I guess the consul there thinks this process is against the constitution.

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yea unfortunately despite popular belief, getting residency through property in Mexico is not common. Most consulates don’t know how to verify the “escritura” and so they just don’t accept them.

  78. Nanci McInnes says

    I’m unclear on the income requirements. I’m in Raleigh, so to move my household (my 19 y/o son and husband), we would need to show $3,100 net for me as the main applicant, and another $1500 net for my husband? What about my adult son? Or any additional family members we might bring? Thank you!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Nanci
      The exact requirements for dependents at the various consulates across the USA will sometimes vary slightly from what is written on their sites. They change those requirements all the time unfortunately and they don’t post the updates. So really the only way to know the exact requirements for dependents is to ask the consulate directly. But don’t worry you can petition your husband after becoming a resident yourself in Mexico without having to prove economic solvency for him. So as long as you qualify, then your spouse can be added in Mexico after you receive your card. Adult children cannot be petitioned unless they have a medical or well being condition that is verifiable or if they are still in college and you can prove that. The residency visa process is two parts. The first part starts at your local Mexican consulate then the final part is done in Mexico. If you’d like help with the process, we highly encourage our followers to consider hiring a reputable immigration facilitators. If you need our recommendations, we have a directory of vetted contacts in our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide. See what you get when you purchase the guide here

  79. Nichole B. says

    I am applying for Temp Residency through the Los Angeles Consulate. I have my brokerage statements for 12months showing balances sufficient to meet the requirements, but they also ask for: “Take special note of the validation of your bank accounts by means of an official letter issued by the banking institution. (Letterhead with original stamp and signature)” and I’m not sure what this is. I’ve emailed them requesting a sample letter and required stamp (notary??) but have not heard back. I also called Charles Schwab, and they are not aware of any standard letter. Do you happen to know? I’m working hard to be prepared for the upcoming appointment. Thank you!!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Please ask your financial institution for a letter on letterhead certifying you are the owner of those accounts. That is what the consulate is asking for.

  80. Traveller says

    Hello! Thanks for taking my question. I have a query regarding minimum stay requirement when a permanent residency is approved.

    I am told by Indianapolis consulate that if a permanent residency application is approved, I have to stay in Mexico for more than 180 days every year. If the number of days of stay is less than 180 then they will cancel the residency.

    Is this really true? I have never come across any such information in any website from mexican govt.

    Is this a new policy ? Can you please clarify ?

    • Mariana Lange says

      It’s not accurate but sometimes the consulates will tell you this- while they are incorrect I would not argue with them. I would just accept what they are telling you and that you understand. It isn’t accurate though. There is nothing in the constitution stating any resident needs to live in Mexico more than 180 days a year or else they lose their residency. And we have hundreds of customers who don’t live in Mexico to prove this is the case.

  81. Lizbeth Devoir says

    For income requirements, can a brokerage account with $70,000 have both a parent and an adult child listed as owners, to meet the financial solvency requirements for the adult child?

    Does a retired married couple with monthly pension and social security of $9,000 meet the solvency requirement?

  82. Mike says

    If my wife and I are applying for temporary or permanent residency do we each have to meet the financial criteria or is that together?

    • Mariana Lange says

      Depends on the consulate. Some require each applicant to be financially solvent and some only require an additional $500-$1000 USD a month.
      But don’t worry if one of you doesn’t qualify. As long as one of you does, and can get approved. Then you can petition a spouse from within Mexico without financial solvency required.

  83. Marianna Greenlee says

    Makes me sad that I cannot become a resident of Mexico because I do not meet the income requirements. My goal was to leave the US and live in a place with a cheaper cost of living. My investments will allow me to hit the requirements in about 5 years.

  84. Faith says

    Am retiring end of 2025, so not yet retired now. Can I apply for a Permanent Visa instead of a Temporary Visa? I am able to meet the financial requirements.

  85. Jonathan says

    Hello Mariana, thank you for this helpful list!

    I’ve read that only some consulates accept IRA accounts as proof of solvency through savings/investments. Is there a list somewhere of consulates that do accept them?

  86. Clint says

    Hello Mariana,

    The 2025 list above includes “Kansas”. Does that refer to consulate in Kansas City, MO?

    Thanks for your expertise!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hola! Yes that refers to Kansas City. Saludos 🙂

  87. Peter Marcoe says

    Hola Mariana,
    I’d like to start the residency process this year, but my employer doesn’t allow working from outside the US. Would this be an issue? Should I wait till I’m no longer working but am drawing my pension instead?
    Either income will meet the residency income requirements but I’d like to transition immediately upon retirement.
    Gracias, Peter

    • Mariana Lange says

      It really depends on the consulate you will apply in whether or not it is an issue. Ands that’s because many of them require a letter from your employer stating you will continue to be employed after moving to Mexico if you are applying on economic solvency and your proof of income is through your current job.
      However, each Mexican consulate is different and has its own rules. And there are about 30 consulates across the USA that you could potentially apply in.

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