Living In Merida- Known as Mexico’s Safest City!

Today’s livestream had a lot of great information about living in Merida. Thank you so much to David who agreed to join me on a Facebook live.

We touched on things like:

  • Retirement in Mexico
  • Health Insurance in Mexico
  • Living Expenses
  • Traveling with pets into Mexico
  • Finding a rental
  • Internet coverage
  • & so much more!


YouTube video

David sold everything back home including his townhome in Baltimore and made the move to Merida with his dog and cat in late December 2020. We talked about his experience driving across the border with pets, and even hiring a private driver to do the driving for him from Texas all the way to Merida. 

David talked about his experience renting a place and how simple word of mouth was the best way for him to get the house he lives in. A few other things he discussed that are very valuable are his monthly expenses. For example:

-Rent (including some utilities and in the heart of Merida) $800 USD 

-Health insurance through AXA (with U.S. coverage) $117/month 

-Electricity including Air-conditioning $100/month in the hot season 

David has a monthly budget of $3,000 USD and has allowed himself expenses like a monthly travel budget as well as some buffer room for surprise expenses. However, he is well aware that he will probably spend less than $30k/year and knows many others who live very well on less than $2,000/month as a couple.

Some other tips he gave were learning as much Spanish as you can as it will make your life easier, and of course, getting out of your comfort zone to make friends.

Here are a few other links I’d like to share from our conversation:

-Fast Conversational Spanish (let them know David Keelan referred you )

Tours Facebook Page mentioned

Picheta Restaurant in Merida

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. when she was a child. She spent every summer visiting family throughout Mexico and is very knowledgeable about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English.

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