Best Places To Live in Mexico

October 15, 2021
Consider Atlixco for Retirement
Many of you have probably heard of Lake Chapala and Ajijic as one of the best weathers in the world. But have you ever heard of Atlixco Puebla? Atlixco...
September 25, 2021
Retired Early in Ajijic Mexico
Annette, an expat who moved from Texas to Ajijic Mexico gave us a great interview about her life in Mexico, her tips for newcomers, and how she was able...
September 24, 2021
Best Beaches To Retire in Mexico
Have you always dreamt of living on the oceanfront but can’t seem to afford it in the U.S.? What if you could significantly reduce your cost of living? What...
September 10, 2021
Unique Tips About Living in San Miguel de Allende
I did an interview with my friend Ernie, and it had really good tips from a retiree who chose to settle down in San Miguel de Allende. We covered...
August 18, 2021
Best Highland Cities In Mexico for Retirement
You may be thinking to yourself how you can have a better life for less in another country. For example, an interesting fact is that the average social security...
March 10, 2021
Why You Should Retire in San Cristobal de Las Casas
If you haven’t heard of San Cristobal de Las Casas, I want to introduce you to the small and mighty town that has started to become a popular ex-pat...
February 13, 2021
How This Family of 4 Lives on Less Than $2k USD
I know this post is going to inspire you today! Because if you’ve ever been in a situation where you feel like you might have to work until you...
January 29, 2021
Mexican Wine Country – Rated Best in The World!
Did you know that Mexican wine is rated just as high as some French and Spanish wines? Most people don’t. Including myself until recently. Not only does Mexico produce...
January 13, 2021
Life In Huatulco Oaxaca Is Better Than Expected!
Are you wondering what it’s like to live in Huatulco, Oaxaca? Sue and Paul Lozer joined me from their beautiful patio in Huatulco, Oaxaca. Their backdrop was the amazing...